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这是骨牌效应。It's a domino effect.

多米诺效应可不好We don't want the domino effect.

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冰岛语中多米诺骨牌怎么说?What's the Icelandic for "domino"?

吾名多米诺·哈维,赏金猎人。My name is Domino Harvey -- I’m a bounty hunter.

设计实现了一种改进的高扇入多米诺电路结构。An improved high fan-in domino circuit is proposed.

正在聚集多米诺骨牌或者“弹跳”效应。There is a domino or ricochet effect that is building.

可以使用领域专门化来避免这种多米诺骨牌效应。This domino effect can be avoided by using domain specialization.

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哦,我知道了,巴基斯坦可能成为ISIS的多米诺骨牌。Oh, I know, Pakistan may become a domino for the ISIS. Well, tough.

有美洲银行的担保,华尔街下一张大号多米诺骨牌暂时还不会倒下。BoA had guaranteed that Wall Street's next big domino would not fall.

游戏包括一个使用指南描述真正的多米诺的规律和特点。The game includes a How-To guide describing Real Domino rules and features.

经理还没有想出一个适合的举措来裁汰多米诺效应。The manager hasn't worked out a suitable action to reduce the domino effect.

多米诺项目发动了一起有趣的挑战——相信自己。The Domino Project launched an interesting challenge today called Trust Yourself.

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甚至排在多米诺骨牌行列第一块的越南自1995年起也成为了大家庭的成员。Even Vietnam, the first domino in the queue, has been part of the family since 1995.

在此同时,这些危机促使投资者关注谁会成为下一个要倒下的多米诺骨牌.The crises, in the meantime, have investors looking around for the next domino to fall.

多米诺理论和大杀器应该在同一段检验。The Domino Doctrine and Weapons of mass destruction should be examined in the same segment.

该编码器使用异或-或算法完成码制转换,并且利用新的串并联多米诺电路来实现。In the encoder, XOR-OR encoding algorithm and a novel serial-parallel Domino circuit are adopted.

和别人一样,我也对汽车工业大厦将崩所带来的多米诺效应感到恐惧。I am as terrified as anyone of the domino effect on industry and workers if G.M. were to collapse.

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目前而言,市场似乎相信西班牙能够避免成为欧元区倒下的第四张"多米诺骨牌".For now markets appear to be confident Spain can avoid becoming the fourth euro zone domino to fall.

髋部与背部的状况通常都是相互关联的,通常是讨厌的多米多骨牌效应。Hip and back conditions are often interrelated, and there's often a nasty domino effect of injuries.

采用有限元法分析了曲线顶管施工对管节和土体的影响效应。The influence domino effect for pipe and soil caused by construction has been analyzed by using FEM.