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我们不能做朋友吗?No podemos ser amigos?

我不信任你,爵士。I do not trust you, ser.

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这是劳勃斯特朗爵士。This is Ser Robert Strong.

我妈叫我希尔蒂,爵士。My mother named me Hildy, ser.

你不用拖着我,爵士。You do not need to drag me, ser.

“巴利斯坦爵士?”她轻柔地说。"Ser Barristan?" she said softly.

那么建立这个论坛的目的是什么呢?Then for what was this forum ser up?

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一下子寡妇会召见您的,尊贵的爵士。The widow will see you next, noble ser.

你比我更了解这样的人,爵士。You know more of such men than me, ser.

乔拉爵士只是阴郁的看了一眼作为回答。Ser Jorah's only reply was a sullen stare.

SER型硅碳棒的冷端部的内径通常是堵上的。The ID of the SER cold end is normally plugged.

洛里爵士套上他的锁子甲和熟皮甲。Ser Rolly shrugged into his mail and boiled leather.

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无论是什么情况,都必须要求完全公开。Ser said. In all cases, full disclosure is required.

“那你呢,爵士?”女王问那个叫青蛙的男孩。"And you, ser?" the queen asked the boy called Frog.

从你进来起就在盯着我的芜菁看了,爵士。You been looking at my turnips since you came in, ser.

水下无传动件,整机使用寿命长。No underwater operating components and long ser vice life.

“将它交给女王,”巴利斯坦爵士命令。“现在。”"Bring it to the queen, " Ser Barristan commanded. "Now. "

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她还说,这对法庭来说都是引起注意的信号。Ser. 'These are all alarm bells to the courts, ' she added.

“劳勃爵士,”当他们进门的时候,瑟曦低声说。"Ser Robert, " Cersei whispered, as they entered the gates.

我现在是黑水河的波隆爵士了,小恶魔。这可是过目不望。I am Ser Broon of the Blackwater now, Imp. see you don't forget it.