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现在,他们也心神不定。Now they are unsure.

我还不能确定究竟什么是爱。I am still unsure of what love is.

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他们吃不准该负责谁。They were unsure of who was to blame.

申请报告有你没太明确是否需要申报的东西。Please declare anything you're unsure of.

杰克被一个人留在那里,不知下一步该如何是好。Jack is left alone unsure what to do next.

他知道自己时日不多了,而感到惶恐不安。He knew the end was coming, and he was unsure.

勇敢的敌人胜过懦怯的朋友。She was unsure as yet whether he was friend or foe.

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梦远了,情散了,不知该往哪去。Dream away, the sentiment loose, unsure where to go.

而事前你并不清楚这对客户来说是一件忌讳的事。And you were unsure that it was offensive beforehand.

对拼写无把握时就要查阅词典。Consult your dictionary when unsure of your spelling.

当马克西姆约她再见面时,她还不十分确定他在追求她。She was still unsure when Maxim asked to see her again.

我无助地摇摇头,不知道说些什么好,也不知道该怎么办。I shook my head helplessly, unsure of what to do or say.

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站在他周围的家人们显得有点不知所措。The family, standing around, seemed unsure of what to do.

茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。As if unsure of where she be, she hesitate and look round.

他们看上去没有把握,站在那儿左右脚换来换去不安地晃着。They looked unsure and shifted uneasily from foot to foot.

他是个聪明的孩子,却封自己很没有信心。He is an intelligent boy, but he is very unsure of himself.

杰克坐在候诊室,不知道是否该进去。Jake sat in the waiting room, unsure about going in or not.

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我们站在人行道上,不知道接下来要往哪儿走。WE had now halted on the sidewalk, unsure where to go next.

她仿佛茫然不知声身在何处,犹豫地向四周打量。As if unsure of where he is, she hesitated and looked around.

茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round.