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美味大餐。A gourmet meal.

蒋禄卡,你是个美食家。Gianluca, you are a gourmet.

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他喜欢美酒佳肴。He loved gourmet meals and fine wines.

白蚁是非洲人的美味佳肴。Termites are a gourmet treat in Africa.

今天晚上,我出去逛美食节了。I went out for gourmet festival tonight.

美食街——美味小吃的天堂。Gourmet Street, a paradise of dainty snacks.

拉斐尔也是一个美食家,喜欢各种好吃的食物。Raffaele is also a gourmet and loves good food.

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粉状和多味冰茶真正是“贵价”东西!Powdered and gourmet iced teas are really a rip-off!

在你的记忆里,那些美食就代表着家乡的味道。The gourmet is the flavor of hometown in your memory.

蒙地卡罗西餐厅供应各类美食佳肴。Mongolia Kaluoxi supply of gourmet cuisine restaurant.

太太,晚安。欢迎光临信林餐厅。Good evening, ma'am, welcome to the Gourmet Restaurant.

要享受美味大餐,就得出去吃。We have to go out and eat the gourmet food to enjoy it.

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河南省莲花味精集团莲花服装有限公司。Henan lotus gourmet power group lotus habiliment co. ltd.

在许多食品店和零售店都有得卖。It's available at many gourmet stores and retail outlets.

西光约请了一位美食家到药膳坊品味。West light invited a gourmet to medicinal food fang taste.

不再在当地餐厅购买昂贵的外卖食品Stop buying expensive gourmet take-out from local restaurants

当你看到各种美食佳肴的时候。When you see all kinds of delicious food and gourmet cuisine.

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美味沙拉配鹅肝,鲜虾,火腿,洋蓟和蘑菇。Gourmet salad with goose liver and shrimps shaves of Parma ham.

花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.

我要准备一份能令人振奋的美食家菜谱。I need to prepare a gourmet menu that's going to be mind-blowing.