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如听了牌大都不顺时会露出烦躁不安的神色。Such as listening to the card are not shun will reveal dysphoria look.

“脾气调节障碍烦躁型”是工作组提议的解决办法。"Temper dysregulation with dysphoria" is the work group's proposed solution.

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每一次读到这句话,我总发现自己被不安所笼罩。And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria.

长期或极度性别不悦的人也称为易性癖人。People who have long-lasting and extreme gender dysphoria are known as transsexuals.

开始有先兆中暑症状,以后出现头痛、不安、嗜睡、甚至昏迷。Symptoms of premonitory heatstroke appear first then come the headache dysphoria drowsiness and even coma.

大麻可致烦躁不安,心跳加速,体味低血压,并可能突然发展为潜伏性的神经分裂症。It can cause dysphoria , tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and may abruptly develop into latent schizophrenia.

宗教慰藉与心理治疗在压制各种形式的孤独感引发的烦躁不安方面都发展出了自己的方法。Religious consolation and psychotherapy have each developed its methods of quelling the dysphoria of the various forms of isolation.

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结论柞蚕蛹性脑病是以锥体外系症状伴烦躁和恐惧为主要表现的预后良好的疾病。Conclusion Tussah pupa of encephalopathy is a disease mostly showing extrapyramidal symptoms accompanied with dysphoria and phobia, which has a good prognosis.

“田亚梅”们的“出走”,是作为女性解放运动“引路人”的男性知识分子们的现代想像与性别焦虑。The "running away" of women including Tian Yamei, comes from modern imagination and gender dysphoria of male intellectuals as the leader of the woman liberation.

易性癖,也称为“性别不悦”。虽然关于这个话题还有许多传言和愚蠢的猜测,但目前已经有了比较合理的理解。Transsexuality, also termed "Gender Dysphoria" is now reaching the point of being reasonably well understood, though many myths and general foolishness about the subject still abound.

其他人则认为具有同等的力量,性别焦虑症,因为它是已知的,是一种精神折磨和残害的尸体,以适应受灾心理是造成双重损伤的病人。Others argue with equal force that gender dysphoria , as it is known, is a psychiatric affliction and that mutilating the body to fit the afflicted psyche is to inflict a double injury on the patient.