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艾警官!Moxa police officer!

艾沫沫救出了毛毛。Moxa foam foam rescued Mao Mao.

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把艾晓雪按到了墙上?Moxa Xiao snow according to get to wall up?

孩子平安出生可小艾却昏迷没有醒来。Children born but little moxa coma not wake up.

这项技术在中兽医这种称作“艾灸”。The technique of using the moxa is called moxibustion.

小艾的情况越来越糟,在家晕倒了。The little moxa situation worse and worse, fainted at home.

艾利怔怔的看着她,无法动弹。The moxa benefit Zheng Zheng looking at her, tin not shake.

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在一次暴风雪中,艾雪和小凡陷入困境。Be in in blizzard, get into trouble of moxa snow He Xiaofan.

艾比对他的粗俗语言感到非常厌恶。Moxa more special than feeling to his vulgar language detest.

出院后莫利文带小艾来到新的住处养病。Molly after discharge, with little moxa came to a new home for illness.

莫利文带小艾和孩子回到家里,焕妮和潘医生过来帮忙。Molly take little moxa and children back home, Kim min and pan doctor for help.

不等艾利开口,她看了一眼门边又道。Don't wait moxa benefit prologues, she visited an eye side of door a path afresh.

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是将艾炷直接放在穴位皮肤上施灸的一种方法。A moxa cone placed directly on the point and ignited is called direct moxibustion.

保安打电话给薇妮,薇妮识破了艾卡娜的方案,立即驱车赶回别墅。Security call eu ni, eu ni caught moxa card's plan, immediately drove back to the villa.

艾尔莎冷笑,看来他是不可能再帮自己了。The moxa Er a kind of insect sneers at, seeing to him isn't likely to help oneself again.

房间内,昏迷中的小艾呼唤这潘医生的名字,喃喃的说戒指找到了。In the room, the little moxa coma call the doctors name, pan murmured ring had been found.

在端午节,人们把插艾和菖蒲作为重要内容之一。On Dragon Boat Festival, people put inserted moxa and calamus as one of important content.

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终于醒来的小艾看到病房里到处都是莫利文买来的鲜花。Finally the little moxa woke up and saw the room was full of Mollys article bought flowers.

帝都的皇宫迎来了两名客人,正是柳风和艾琳娜。Emperor all of the imperial palace welcomed two guests, is exactly Liu Feng and moxa Lin Nuo.

不出意外的话,恐怕他已经潜入艾瑟亚家族了。The words namely don't have one chance, perhaps he has yet prowled in second family of moxa Se.