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他穿着羊毛绑腿。He was dressed in woolen leggings.

毛料衣服在热水中会收缩的。Woolen clothes shrink in hot water.

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这种肥皂不会使毛织物收缩。This soap won't shrink woolen goods.

这肥皂会使毛织品收缩吗?Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?

三只兔子都穿着羊毛衫。All three were wearing woolen sweaters.

他在衬衫里面穿了件毛背心。He wore a woolen vest beneath his shirt.

这件羊毛衫洗后会缩水吗?Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed?

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我想看一看那件新的羊毛套头衫。I'd like to look at that new woolen pullover.

为什么这件羊毛衫要标上“托顿”呢?Why is the woolen sweater marked " totton " ?

亮闪闪的铜壶,手套毛绒绒。Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

你有一些好的羊绒制品的样品吗?Do you have some samples of good woolen fabrics.

于是她决定为那个男人织一件羊毛衣。So she decided to knit a woolen sweater for the man.

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每个棺材也有刺绣的羊毛铭牌。Each coffin also has an embroidered woolen nameplate.

可以给我看一件款式流行的毛衫?Could you show me a woolen sweater in the new fashion?

我?我看到我自己穿着一双厚的毛袜。I? I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks.

雪天,她围着羊毛围巾,穿着厚靴。On snowy days, she wore heavy boots and a woolen scarf.

韩版淑女高气质款毛织外套!Korean Ladies woolen coat with high temperament section!

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箱内有一个人正躺在一堆毛织品上。A man was lying in the box on top of pile of woolen goods.

大部分苏格兰长裙由带格子图案的呢绒制成。It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern.

我这件粗纺花呢,既结实又暖和。My woolen clothes are not only durable, but also very warm.