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我发现我喜欢上了我不男不女的身体。I discovered that I liked my androgynous body.

二十世纪的西方妇女确实是雌雄同体的生灵。Twentieth-century Western woman is truly an androgynous creature.

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雷诺斯身形瘦削、短发利落,一副很流行的中性扮相。With her lean frame and cropped hair, Lennox had a fashionably androgynous look.

化妆,穿松垮垮又雌雄同体的衣服,唱了西方歌。She didn't wear makeup, dressed in baggy, androgynous clothing, sang Western songs.

她没有穿着化妆,穿松垮垮又雌雄同体的衣服,唱了西方歌。She didn't wear makeup, dressed in baggy , androgynous clothing, sang Western songs.

女大学生双性化性别特质是一种最佳的性别特质。Androgynous sexual personality is the best sexual personality for female college students.

这件透视衬衫搭配中性领结和亮色印花裙,效果很好。The suggestive sheerness of this shirt is juxtaposed with an androgynous bow tie and a bright printed skirt.

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具有双性化性别特质的女大学生将成为事业和生活的双成功者。Female college students possessing Androgynous sexual personality will succeed both in career and their lives.

他的论文表示因为女人和男人出现的中性化使异性朋友数增加了一倍。His dissertation showed that women and men categorized as androgynous had twice the number of cross-sex friends.

“证明我的爱”是的胆怯,难忍欲望的场景,一个精疲力竭的阴阳人困在一个堕落的性爱地铁。"Justify My Love" is an eerie, sultry tableau of jaded androgynous creatures, trapped in a decadent sexual underground.

研究带周边式对接机构的航天器在对接捕获过程中的缓冲动力学行为。The dynamic process of capturing and docking space vehicles with the androgynous peripheral docking mechanism is studied.

为了争取这部分的使用者,这些年来有越来越多的外部感官体验明星变成双性人。Over the years some broadcast ASP stars have become increasingly androgynous in an attempt to capture this segment of the audience.

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据描述,埃赫那顿具有奇异的女性特征,这源于法老代表的神兼具两性特征这一信仰。Depictions of Akhenaten with a bizarre feminine physique were due to the belief that god represented by the pharaoh was androgynous.

总体看来双性化和男性化人际交往能力得分显著高于未分化和女性化人际交往能力得分。In general, the ones of androgynous and masculine score higher than the undifferentiated and the feminine in interpersonal competence.

吴尔芙认为人的大脑是可以超越性别而以雌雄同体的形式存在,因此无论男性或女性,都可以成为伟大的作家。Woolf discusses the androgynous mind, a mind that transcends gender and that is necessary for any writer, male or female, to be great.

Cobi是受毕加索启示设计的一只立体主义风格的加泰罗尼亚牧羊犬,结果他看上去更像一只裸体、雌雄不分的肉身怪物。Purportedly a Catalan sheepdog in cubist style inspired by Picasso, Cobi turned out looking more like a nude androgynous flesh monster.

以有内导向瓣异体同构周边式对接机构为研究对象,从机构的物理模型出发建立了对接捕获阶段的三体力元模型。In this paper, the three-body force-element dynamic model of androgynous peripheral docking mechanism with inner guide petals is proposed.

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不可否认,基于女主角黛安-基顿个人衣橱中的古董男装而为影片设计的男女通用的马甲和领带的搭配,现在看起来有点笨拙。Admittedly, that androgynous waistcoat and tie shtick, based on Diane Keaton's own wardrobe of vintage menswear, looks a little clunky now.

不可否认,基于女主角黛安-基顿个人衣橱中的古董男装而为影片设计的男女通用的马甲和领带的特色搭配,现在看起来有点笨拙。Admittedly, that androgynous waistcoat and tie shtick, based on Diane Keaton’s own wardrobe of vintage menswear, looks a little clunky now.

或许我可以找个假小子做女朋友——找个短头发、中性气质,喜欢穿男人衣服的女孩子,这样问题就解决了吧?Maybe I could find a butch straight girl —someone with short hair, androgynous features and a fondness for guys’ clothing. Was that the trick?