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胸骨虞廔管是心脏手术之后罕见的合并症。Sternal fistulae are a seldom event after cardiac surgery.

瘘管可在肠袢间、膀胱和皮肤形成。Fistulae can form between loops of bowel , bladder , and skin.

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术后主要并发症为胰瘘和胰腺炎。The main complications were pancreatic fistulae and pancreatitis.

结果采用正确的治疗方法,5例病人全愈。Result These 5 patients were finally cured by obliterating or isolating the fistulae.

证实切除术和胸大肌辫重建是治疗胸骨廔管的良策。Resection and reconstruction with flaps proved a good method to treat sternal fistulae.

结果15例瘘口愈合出院,2例死亡,1例自动出院不久死亡。Results 15 cases orificium fistulae accreted and recovery, 2 cases died, 1 case died after discharge shortly.

并对脑室-腹腔转流术引起的气管-肋胸膜瘘的临床表现、诊断和治疗进行了讨论。The clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of V–P shunt-related broncho -pleural fistulae are discussed.

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镜下见扩张后瘘道壁内表面少许裂开,未见血管壁破裂。Microscopically , the inner surface of fistulae showed mild disruptions, but no rupture of blood vessels was noted.

术后胰瘘与术后引流液细菌培养结果不相关,而与术后临床腹腔感染相关。Pancreatic fistulae were not related with abdominal drainage fluid cultures, but with clinical abdominal infections.

结果全组无吻合口瘘等发生。均获得满意恢复。Results All the patients, among whom there were not any anastomotic stoma fistulae , achieved satisfactory recovery.

建立血透路径的分流和瘘管的困难通常似乎在淀粉样变性病患者中不会增多。Difficulties with shunts and fistulae for vascular access do not in general seem to be more frequent in patients with amyloid.

经螺旋CT和支气管镜证实5例位于左支气管,5例位于右支气管。Spiral CT and bronchoscopy demonstrated 5 fistulae located at the left bronchial stump and 5 situated in right bronchial stump.

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目的探讨16排CT血管分析软件在颈动脉海绵窦瘘瘘口显示中的应用价值。Objective To probe role of 16-row CT vessel analysis software in displayingorificium fistulae in carotid artery cavernous sinus fistula.

除1例仅放置气管支架者,术后有少量造影剂渗入气管,但没有症状,其余18例造影显示气管食管瘘完全封闭。Only one patient had a little contrast in the trachea during X-ray exam but without symptoms, the fistulae completely sealed in 18 cases.

本文研究了影像学评估与处理潜在的损伤性颅内动脉瘤及动脉瘘的关系。The imaging evaluation and potential endovascular management of traumatic intracranial aneurysms and traumatic intracranial fistulae is discussed.

结果52例中无手术死亡,食管断端无癌残留,无吻合口瘘等术后近期并发症。Results None of the 52 patients died, no cancer remained in the broken ends of the esophagus, no complications of the operations happened such as stoma fistulae.

治疗上目前仍采取外科手术为主,但也已有内视镜手术的发展。Surgical repair is the standard treatment for patients with H-type tracheoesophageal fistulae. Recently, some bronchoscopic procedures have been developed to obliterate the fistulae.

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用具备急性胆瘘的大鼠在人工维持胆汁酸池恒定的条件下,观察LHA微量注射TRH对胆汁分泌的影响。Under constant intravenous infusion of taurocholate to keep the bile acid pool steady, the effect of LHA injection of TRH on bile secretion was studied in rats with acute bile duct fistulae.

先生性外耳瘘管除了耳前瘘管最为常见外,少数会发生在外耳的其它位置。Most congenital auricular fistulae are located just above and in front of the meatus and named as preauricular fistula or pit. Some auricular fistulae are located in other areas of the auricle.

文章对这类脑膜动静脉瘘的临床表现、静脉引流方式、解剖学基础、发生机制和治疗等进行了综述。The article reviews the recent development in clinical manifestation, the patterns of venous drainage, the anatomic basis, pathogenesis and treatment options of tentorial dural arteriovenous fistulae.