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实现满刻度的首次展示。Implement the full-scale rollout.

这就是我们所说的主题性释放。It's what we call a thematic rollout.

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选准参考点进行及时的改平。Always choose the best reference point to rollout.

我们在推广这些智能手机前进行过完备的现场测试。We have fully conducted field tests before the rollout of smartphones.

不过无人机在亮相之前遭遇了坏天气,只得撤回。But the rollout was dampened by bad weather. They had to be recalled for the day.

它要求建立需求、规格说明、测试计划和交付。It requires establishing requirements, specification, test planning, and rollout.

新一代3-D科技的推出给电影行业注入了乐观情绪。The rollout of new-generation 3-D technology injected the industry with optimism.

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自顶向下的管理支持不应该与铺展过程相混淆。The top-down management support should not be confused with the rollout approach.

空客A350家族预计将在2014年投放市场,尽管已知下线时间将会延迟。The A350 family is set to hit the market in 2014, although it has faced rollout delays.

例如,每月转出数据的表,对于每个月的数据都有一个分区。For example, a table that has monthly rollout would have a partition for each month of data.

虽然E72的支持FOTA解决方案。如通过这一渠道推出看起来是低于纳苏。Although the E72 supports FOTA . looks like the rollout through that channel is slower than NSU.

智能电网初步实施将在2015年之前完成,随后到2020年进行部署展示阶段。Initial implementation of its smart grid will be complete by 2015, followed by a rollout phase to 2020.

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切达将在未来几个月负责“必应”在亚洲市场的推出,并把主要精力放在日本、中国和澳大利亚市场上。Chheda will oversee Bing's regional rollout in the coming months, focusing on Japan, China and Australia.

切达将在未来几个月负责“必应”在亚洲市场的推出,并把主要精力放在日本、中国和澳大利亚市场上。Mr. Chheda will oversee Bing's regional rollout in the coming months, focusing on Japan, China and Australia.

请示取消进近。刹车效应差,我们担心滑跑时出现滑水现象。Request to cancel our approach. Braking action is poor and we're concerned about hydroplaning during rollout.

分析师们说,他们预计遵守新修改后规定的具有Wi-Fi功能的iPhone将在不久后推出。Analysts say they expect a later rollout of a Wi-Fi enabled iPhone that complies with newly revised regulations.

在此,也是有经验的过程指导者的判断负责,至少在过程最开始时。Here too the judgment of the experienced process mentor presides, at least on this initial rollout of process. 10

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自1979年7月面世以来,世界上第一部可携带式卡带音乐播放器Walkman帮助索尼成为了世界电器巨头。The July 1979 rollout of the portable cassette player helped transform Sony into a global electronics powerhouse.

MusicDNA音乐文件的测试版将在今年春天面世,预期今年夏季将会全面商业推出。A beta version of the file will be available in the Spring and a full commercial rollout is expected by the summer.

我的大多数测试环路构成的滚动,以温和的山丘与偶然单位推出后,好长的体面。Most of my test loops consists of rolling to moderate hills with the occasional flat rollout after good long decent.