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多义词是语言中的普遍现象。Polysemy is prevalent in language.

寻常型痤疮是皮肤科常见病、多发病。Acne vulgaris is a common and prevalent skin disease.

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疟疾是否仍为此地居民的多发病?Is malaria still prevalent among the population here?

这类超级病菌中,最常见的是“抗药性金黄葡萄球菌”。One of the most prevalent of these superbugs is MRSA.

用声音控制、可自动驾驶的轿车将变得非常普遍。Voice-controlled, self-driving cars will be prevalent.

在794例囊肿中,以颌骨囊肿居多。Among 794 cases of cyst, the cysts of jaw are prevalent.

随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent.

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此类型的硬化性胆管炎在国外较为常见。This type of sclerosing cholangitis is prevalent abroad.

在生活方式上,女性是双性恋者有多普遍?How prevalent is female bisexuality in the lifestyle? and

在英国,“加入购物篮”是更为普遍的术语。In the UK, “Add to Basket” is more prevalent terminology.

这是仍然普遍存在的古来的谬论之一。This is one of the age old myths that are still prevalent.

最新的云计算实例中常见的漏洞Prevalent Vulnerabilities in State-of-the-Art Cloud Offerings

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进口虾被拒绝入境的最普遍原因就是沙门氏菌。Refusals for Salmonella are most prevalent in shrimp imports.

总体来看,青岛地区流行的汉坦病毒以SEO型为主。SEO type was prevalent in hantavirus epidemiology in Qingdao.

社会等级无处不在,并且机制化了不平等的关系。Social hierarchy is prevalent and institutionalizes inequality.

目前,我国农村信用社效率低下已成为不争的事实。It is indicated that the inefficiency of RCCs is very prevalent.

萜类在某些干旱或半干旱气候条件下较为普遍。Terpenoids are more prevalent in some arid or semiarid climates.

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在草炭牧区这些排放尤其普遍。In peat pasture areas these emissions are particularly prevalent.

报告显示非自杀式的自残越来越普遍Reports indicate non-suicidal self-injury becoming more prevalent

你认为哪个行业“国进民退”最明显?In which industry do you think this development is most prevalent?