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简要介绍了应用COPRA软件在异型管设计、制造方面的成功实例。Some successful examples which designed by COPRA are discussed and.

岛上最主要的产业是旅游业和珊瑚制品加工业。Tourism and copra production are the leading industries of the island.

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五袋椰仁干泡了,因为它们堆在船舭附近。Five bags of copra are soaked because they were stacked near the bilge.

农业以提供干椰子肉和柑橘类的出口为经济基础。Agriculture provides the economic base with major exports made up of copra and citrus fruit.

但是其他的,例如花生、椰子肉也在动物饲料中广泛应用,特别是在亚洲国家。But others like groundnut and copra are widely used in animal feed and are of crucial economic importance to countries in Asia.

在所有的粮食谷物中,花生和椰子是最容易受黄曲霉毒素污染的。Of all the crop commodities used in animal feed maize, groundnut and copra are the most susceptible to aflatoxin contamination.

东萨摩亚陆地面积197平方千米,产并出口椰干、香蕉、水果、鱼罐头,首府帕果帕果。Eastern Samoa land area of 197 square km and copra production and exports , banana, fruits, canned fish, the capital of Pago Pago.

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爱塔在塔拉窝河旁弄到一小块地产,就在你到这里不久以前,收获的椰子干按现在的市价算足够你舒舒服服过日子。She has a bit of property down by Taravao, just before you come to the peninsula, and with copra at the price it is now you could live quite comfortably.

例如,许多小岛屿国家拥有大量椰子树,为当地居民提供了木材、椰子、干椰子肉和棕榈油。Many small island nations, for instance, have abundant coconut trees, which serve as sources of wood, coconut, copra and palm oil for the local population.

她是椰子产品的主要出口国,椰肉干产量占世界总产量的三份之一,同时也是亚洲唯一一个世界顶级香蕉的出口国。Its fertile lands make it one of the world's largest producers of coconuts and a major exporter of coconut products, producing more than one-third of the world's copra.

新虹公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一大批经验丰富的专业设计从中央到地方和生产调试人员,引进了优秀的COPRA设计软件。Xinhong has professional technique in production and of course , a number of experienced professional designers and production debugging workers who Apply for advanced software COPRA.