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他的回答是得当的。His answer was apposite.

这番议论恰合这个情况。The argument is apposite to the case.

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恰当的评论,说明,例子等。An apposite comment, illustration, example, ETC.

我认为他的讲话对当前的辩论是恰到好处的。I found his speech wholly apposite to the current debate.

我得开始考虑我能胜任的适当工作了。I need to thinking about a job for which I have apposite skills.

根据恰当的鉴定,他分配给他们适当的工作。According to the appropriate appraisal , he apportioned them apposite work.

从相应的可用任务筛选器启用所有事件。Enable all the events from the apposite available task filter drop down list.

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成功的广告文字撰稿人是贴切且能引起共鸣的大师。The successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images.

媒体和作者总是处于被告地位,而相对人总是处于原告地位。The media and author are always defendants, while the apposite part are plaintiff.

这似乎是一个恰当的请求,因为斯派德的名字是性的同义词——至少是在电影里。Itseems an apposite request given that Spader's name is synonymous with sex – onfilm anyway.

通过适当选择参数,系统可能产生“1包1”及“1包2”等分布的极限环。Under apposite conditions these systems have the distributions of limit cycles with "1 contains 2" and "1 contains 1".

压力反射去除大鼠灌耳后内脏大神经活动显著高于迷路毁损大鼠,且两组动物血压呈相反方向变化。SAD rats had significant stronger splanchnic sympathetic nerve activities VD rats after caloric stimulation, and their blood pressures changed to apposite directions.

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而去年春季戈登•布朗来到码头区第一流的中心,开始20国对银行的救援,向银行注入巨额国有资金也同样合宜。And it was equally apposite that Gordon Brown headed to Docklands' Excel centre last spring to begin the G20 bailout of the banks with a massive injection of state aid.

这短语来自于文章的最后一段引用的话,在标题里也值得被重复一下,因为它包含了可能被证明是对整个事件最恰当的评判。The phrase comes from a quote in the final paragraph, which is also worth repeating because it contains what may turn out to be the most apposite verdict on the whole affair.

今年的八国峰会将于7月8日在意大利城市阿奎拉召开,这对于各经济大国领导人而言恰逢其时。WHEN the leaders of the world's largest economies meet on July 8th near the Italian city of L'Aquila for this year's G8 summit, they will find themselves in an apposite setting.