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阿切尔皱起了眉头。Archer frowned.

阿切尔太太脸色煞白。Mrs. Archer paled.

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阿切尔用灼热的目光看着她。Archer looked at her glowingly.

谢谢你——谢谢你,阿切尔先生。Thank you--thank you, Mr. Archer.

阿切尔太太叹口气摇了摇头。Mrs. Archer shook her head with a sigh.

阿切尔太太脸上露出宽容的微笑。Mrs. Archer produced an indulgent smile.

“原来是这么回事!”阿切尔嘲笑地说。"So that was it?" Archer said derisively.

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最优秀的弓箭手将获得一只金箭。The best archer would be awarded a golden arrow.

阿切尔弯下身,往余烬上扔了一块木柴。Archer stooped over and threw a log upon the embers.

野蛮人不再得到弓术了。Barbarians can no longer gain the Archer discipline.

难道这里没有人想了解真相吗,阿切尔先生?Does no one want to know the truth here, Mr. Archer?

从此,陈尧咨变得非常谦虚。From then on, Chen Yaozi became a very humble archer.

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没有弓和弓箭手,一支箭是不会有用的。An arrow would be useless without a bow and an archer.

斯特拉瑟斯太太向阿切尔友好地伸出手。Mrs. Struthers extended a hail- fellow hand to Archer.

每座塔上均杵着一名手握弓箭的射手。In every tower stands an archer with a bow in his hand.

那射者在无穷之间看定了目标,也用神力将你们引满。The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite.

阿切尔点了点头,并把电报从格子底下推过去。Archer nodded, and pushed his telegram under the lattice.

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决赛阶段每名运动员射一个箭靶。In the finals each archer will shoot at his own buttress.

春秋时代有个人射箭的技术非常高超。In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was an expert archer.

在较低分的游戏中,狗头人弓箭手会变得比较活跃。In lower point games, the Kobold Archer shines even brighter.