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我好奇地细看着这武器。I surveyed the weapon inquisitively.

她好奇地皱起了眉头。She wrinkled her brow inquisitively.

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那只耗子用疑问的眼光看看她。The mouse looked at her rather inquisitively.

“叔叔,为什么起这么个非同寻常的名字?”侄女好奇地问。" Why such an unusual name, uncle?" his niece asked inquisitively.

娜塔莎笔直地坐在那里,用探究的目光时而望着父亲,时而凝视着皮埃尔。Natasha sat erect, looking inquisitively and directly from her father to Pierre.

有一夜,他翻着我那古碑的钞本,发了研究的质问了。He demanded inquisitively one night, after looking through the inscriptions I had copied.

一只松鼠好奇的凝视镜头,让我们从一个全新的角度看伦敦的野生动物。Staring inquisitively into the lens, London's wildlife are seen in a whole new perspective.

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的老鼠看着她相当好奇,似乎向她眨眼与它的小眼睛之一,但没有说什么。The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively , and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes, but it said nothing.

画中婴儿像一个被包覆在保护膜中的胚胎,好奇地观看这个世界。The baby often seems enveloped in a protective bubble, perhaps an embryonic sack in which he hides but peers inquisitively out to the world.

法国佬惊奇地目送着皮埃尔,特别是因为,皮埃尔与又怕又好奇地望着法国人的普通俄国人相反,他对法国人根本不屑一顾。Frenchmen looked after him with surprise, because, while all other Russians stared timidly and inquisitively at them, Pierre walked by without noticing them.

一只是狐狸被她踏在落时上的轻轻的脚步声所惊醒,探头探脑地望着珠儿,似乎拿不定主意,是悄悄溜走,还是呆在原地继续它的瞌睡。A fox, startled from his sleep by her light footstep on the leaves, looked inquisitively at Pearl, as doubting whether it were better to steal off, or renew his nap on the same spot.