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一切几乎都是可以协商的。Nearly everything is negotiable.

公司的政策市没得商量的。Company policy is not negotiable.

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这个价格表面议。This price schedule is negotiable.

禮拜中有甚麽是不可妥协的?What is not negotiable in worship?

下面给出的利率面议。The rate given below is negotiable.

协议条款可以商议。The terms of the agreement are negotiable.

预算是灵活的,价格面议。Budget is flexible and price is negotiable.

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而事实比你想的更具有可协商性。The truth is more negotiable than you think.

欢迎果商前来洽谈,价格面议。Fruit are welcome to negotiate, price negotiable.

招聘兼职酒吧侍者,工作时间和薪水面议。Part-time barman required. Hours and pay negotiable.

价格可面议,如果找到合适的人选。Price may be negotiable if the right person is found.

还有,可不可以问问租金是否仍有商量余地呢?And would you ask if the rent is still negotiable or not?

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流通性是票据的生命力之所在。Negotiability is the essence of the negotiable instrument.

当然,房屋售价永远是可以议价谈判的。Of course, the listing price is always negotiable as well.

价格面议对你的工作质量而定。Price Is negotiable dependent on the quality of your work.

工资选择面议,简历匹配度会高。Select the Negotiable salary, resume matching will be high.

设定质权人为电信总局之可转让定期存款单。A negotiable certificate of deposit pledged with dgt as pledgee.

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不出伯恩先生所料,胡先生说他的报价可以谈判。Just as Mr Bowen has expected, Mr Ho says his offer is negotiable.

“主权问题是不能谈判的”。The question of sovereignty of is nonnegotiable or not negotiable.

敢于不同,在今天的零售气候是一个非面议。Daring to be different in today's retail climate is a non negotiable.