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薇奇已经离开她的小团体很久了。Vickie had long left their clique.

席皮尔曼和波兰斯基他们要杀我!Szpilman and Polanski’s clique want to kill me!

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取“银色派”就不取金色的铰链。Take " argent clique " do not take aureate hinge.

薇奇看起来已经做好了迎战的准备了。Vickie looked like she was ready to fight the clique.

“四人帮”是个野心勃勃的政治小集团。"The gang of four" was an ambitious political Clique.

更糟糕的是,西尔维娅和她的小团队也在这里。Worst of all though, was Sylvia’s clique was here too.

那个球队多年来一直在足球运动中称霸一方。The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.

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达赖集团的恶僧卖国贼该当何罪?How to process these separatist monks of the Dalai Clique.

即便是二十年前的军队统帅也将权力分散到小团体。Even military leaders two decades ago chose to share power with a clique.

他们结成了一个即被藐视又不被奉迎的政治集团。They colluded into a political clique despised by all and respected by none.

也许达赖集团从某些西方媒体那里学到了一些剪辑画面的技巧。Maybe the Dalai clique got some tips of image-editing from certain western media.

达赖集团炮制和发表这段视频的意图很清楚。The purpose of the Dalai Clique to fabricate and release the video clip is obvious.

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歪曲、造谣是达赖集团一贯使用的伎俩。It is a trick used quite often by the Dalai clique to distort facts and spread lies.

我不需要道出他们的姓名,他们成群结队,时常在维也纳会议叱诧风云。I do not need to name them, they are that clique which frequented the Vienna meetings.

首先论述了戊戌维新民权思想形成的背景。Firstly, it discusses the formation background of Civil Right Thought of Reform Clique.

丈夫年定邦曾是国民党力主抗日派。The husband year calm state ever was Kuomintang force advocate the clique that fight day.

反动集团的违法行为,使我无限忧伤……The unlawful activities of the reactionary clique cause me endless worry and sorrow , etc.

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我们认为,这进一步暴露了达赖集团反华分裂的本质。We think that has further exposed the anti-China and separatist nature of the Dalai clique.

小圈子虽然可以让你和部分人亲近,但也让你和他人疏远。Creating a clique may bring you closer to a select few, but it also alienates you from others.

假设她朝每个人微笑,但是立刻就加入了她的密友圈。Suppose this person smiles at everyone, but shortly joins up with her clique of close friends.