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乔纳森顺从地点点头。Jonathan nodded obediently.

他一吹口哨,那狗就乖乖地来了。He whistled, and the dog came obediently.

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安妮听话地跟在妈妈身边走。Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.

乖乖跟爷们上京里去吧!Obediently to Beijing where a with the menfolk go!

到时分,我一定乖乖的学着往顺应脑残。Then, I'm sure obediently learn to adapt to brain damage.

所有乘客都很顺从地向后靠,焦急地等待着。The passengers all obediently leaned back and waited anxiously.

这头狮子顺从地朝她爬了过去,然后,在地上打了两个滚。Obediently the lion crept towards her and then rolled over twice.

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女郎鞭子一指,虎兄就规规矩矩地坐下来,向观众敬了一个举手礼。As the woman pointed the whip, the tiger sit down obediently and bowed to the audience.

他平静地站在那里,看着我们乖乖地排在一起,他一只手里紧紧地握着他的木制手杖。He stood calmly, watching as we obediently gathered, one hand clutching his wooden cane.

杰基立刻控制住自己的热情,顺从地卧倒在老人的脚旁。Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man's feet.

在某些人面前乖乖女,在某些人面前很坏很野蛮很任性。In some obediently in front of women, in the face of some very bad very brutal willfulness.

她缩起肩膀,用床单把自己裹了起来,乖乖地接着读了下去。She narrowed her shoulders and covered herself with the bedsheet as she obediently read on.

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又多么驯服地随着他的竿头越过一个田野又一个山坡!How they obediently followed the bamboo pole to scamper over field, hillside after hillside!

是顺服地完成显而易见的命运呢,还是闲逛来制造麻烦?You can obediently fulfill your apparent destiny, or you can cause trouble by wandering off.

如果你给我指了条明路,我会愿意乖乖的把我的钱给你。If you showed me the article Ming Road, I would be willing to obediently put my money to you.

路痴啊,出门在外一定要你牵着手,你往哪走她也乖乖地跟着往哪走。Luchi ah, away from home you must lead in hand, you go where she obediently follow where to go.

贤士们来到了白冷,因为他们顺从异星的指引。The Magi reached Bethlehem because they had obediently allowed themselves to be guided by the star.

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抵挡高温的关键在于抵挡阳光,但太阳可不会乖乖地原地踏步走。Withstand high temperatures hold the key to sunshine, but the sun can not walk obediently stagnancy.

正如甘地所见,西方政治哲学顺从地证实了工业资本主义世界。As Gandhi saw it, Western political philosophy obediently validated the world of industrial capitalism.

越是普通人群,在应对媒体的白痴行为时,越有可能乖乖回应。The more general population, who are practised in responding to the media's idiocies, obediently responded.