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结果疫苗接种后人群总抗体阳性率有显著的提高。Results Anti HAV IgG positive rate of whole population increased significantly.

不同性别抗体阳性率和抗体保护率差异无显著性。There was no significant difference between different age groups in positive rate of IgG.

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所以在你的血液中有许多抗体,看上去像IgG分子So, many--the predominant number of antibodies in your blood look like these IgG molecules.

目的了解天疱疮抗体亚类在天疱疮发病中的作用。Objective To investigate the role of pemphigus IgG subclasses in the pathogenesis of pemphigus.

免疫荧光检测抗体的表达,竞争抑制ELISA检测其与抗原的结合活性及特异性。The expression of anti-HBs human IgG was tested with blocking ELISA and immunofluorescent test.

而再次免疫则不同,再次接触相同的病原体时,人体主要产生的则是IgGOn second exposure it's different, that IgG is produced predominantly on second exposure to an antigen.

中药狼疮方可抑制狼疮样小鼠T、B淋巴细胞活化,减轻其高丙种球蛋白血症,减少体内自身抗体产生。LR inhibits the activation of T and B lymphocytes, reduces the serum levels of IgG and auto-antibody production.

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结果显示,斑点金免疫渗滤法检测肿瘤患者血清中弓形虫抗体简便、快速,适于向基层推广。DIGFA is a simple and rapid method for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii antibody IgG and be worthy of extention.

运用碳纳米管针尖成功地获得了免疫球蛋白和单个蛋白分子等的高分辨率结构图像。Using these modified tips, the high-resolution image of well-characterized biomolecules, such as IgG and GroES, is obtained.

同样IgA抗体表面也有与抗原结合位点,但它们就像两个IgG型分子,通过肽链相互连接They also have binding sites for antigen, but they are sort of two IgG type molecules bound together by another peptide chain.

SSH文库为筛选新型冠状病毒特异的抗体基因奠定了分子基础。The SSH library provides a basis for further screen the series genes that express the SARS coronavirus specific IgG antibodies.

该方法是基于金基底上形成了均一、稳定、有序的巯基自组装单层膜,能以共价方式固定抗体。It is based on the ordered, stable mercapto self assembled monolayer formed on gold surface, which immobilized IgG with covalent bond.

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部分研究对象作血清中和试验、免疫回忆反应及免后10年抗体检测。Serum tests including neutralization test, immune recall responses, and anti HAV IgG were performed 10 years after the initial immunization.

目的观察感染家兔在治疗前后血清中循环抗原和循环抗体的动态变化情况。Objective To observe the dynamic changes of CAgs and IgG Ab of sera from rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum before and after treatment.

而在被动给予弗氏完全佐剂致敏小鼠抗尘血清后发现,弗氏完全佐剂致敏小鼠在肺部的发炎反应并未受很大的影响。Passive transfer of anti-Der f immune serum, either the IgE or IgG class, to CFA-sensitized mice did not alter the Der f-induced pulmonary inflammation.

根据棋盘试验,确定副溶血弧菌免疫血清最佳工作浓度为1∶200,酶标抗体最佳工作浓度为1∶100,以出现明显清晰斑点者判定为阳性。The working concentration of serum samples was 1∶200 dilution and that of the enzyme-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG was 1∶100 dilution by chessboard assay.

将我院确诊的PTU引起的AN-CA相关小血管炎患者的临床资料与文献中抗甲状腺药物引起的DIL相比较。Clinical features of PTU induced ANCA-associated vasculitis were compared with those of DIL reviewing literature. Antihistone IgG antibody was detected by ELISAs.

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可以这么考虑,因为IgM表面有更多的抗原结合位点,所以相对于IgG,IgM在分子层面上,能够更为有效地与病原体结合Well, one way to think about is they have more antigen binding sites and so they're going to be more efficient at neutralizing the pathogen on a per-molecule basis than IgG is.

以马抗狂犬病固定毒抗体建立的酶联免疫吸附试验夹心法,检测了动物脑组织中的梅花鹿狂犬病病毒抗原。Sandwieh ELISA technique using horse anti-fixed rabies virus IgG as coating antibody for detecting rabies antigens in brain samples from sika deer and other animals was established.

皮肤病理活检示棘刺松解性大疱,直接免疫荧光棘细胞间及基底膜区免疫反应物沉积,其免疫组化示T细胞侵入表皮现象。IgG and C 3 can be seen intercellular and in basement membrane zone by direct immunofluorescence. The immune -histochemistry showed that there was T cell infiltration into epidermis.