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政府企图解散那个非法组织。The government tried to disband the illegal organization.

高校散伙饭安全套做纪念,你怎么看?"Disband Dinner" takes condoms as souvenir, what's your view?

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经中国人民银行批准后解散。And then the bank shall disband upon approval of the People's Bank of China.

丞相入东宫当着太子的面表示要解散东宫卫队。Prime minister into east in front of the face of prince said to disband east guard.

管理层会感受到威胁,从而解散高效团队,以维持现状。Managers can feel threatened and so they disband them, in order to preserve the status quo.

好消息是,你无需撤销消灭自我挫败的限制。And the good news is, you don't have to disband your quest to obliterate self-defeating limits.

在某些民主国家,执政联盟在一年内几次组阁和解散是常见现象。In some democracies, it is common for ruling coalitions to form and disband several times, even in a single year.

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检察官要求法院解散这个政党,并且禁止总理和总统从政。The prosecutors are asking the court to disband the party and ban the prime minister and president from politics.

尽管萨拉丁直到1171年才撤销法蒂玛哈里发职位,但他在成为维齐尔后就积极寻求传播逊尼派教义。Though he did not disband the Fatimid Caliphate until 1171 Saladin actively sought to spread Sunnism as soon as he became the vizier.

但是,没有人期望迈赫迪军完全解散,也没有人知道萨达尔本人对其组织的控制力度有多大。No one expects the Mahdi Army to disband fully—and no one is sure how much control Mr Sadr has over his movement's fractious components.

当队伍中所有玩家都离线之后队伍现在不会被立即解散,他有了5分钟的宽限期,5分钟之后队伍将被解散。Parties will no longer disband immediately after all members log out. There is now a 5-minute grace period before the group is disbanded.

如果目前的一个行会领导想转区,就必须把领导权移交给另外一个成员或者是解散行会。If you wish to transfer a character that is currently a guild leader you must transfer leadership to another member or disband your guild.

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但是,拉姆斯菲尔德表示,他对进军伊拉克的决定并不后悔,对后来决定解散伊拉克军队也不后悔。But Rumsfeld says he has no regrets about the decision to go to war in Iraq, and does not regret later decisions to disband the Iraqi army.

他还计划撤去他划定的10个区域,并赋予各校长更大的自治权,允许不同的办学支撑。He plans to disband his ten regions, and give principals even greater autonomy by letting them choose between different methods of support.

中国警察试图冲散游行的队伍。他们使用了电棍,并向天空鸣枪示警。The Chinese police tried to disband the demonstration and they used electric cattle prods and they fired guns into the air as warning shots.

这时候冲鼻的辛辣味又来了,催泪弹一颗接一颗打了过来,水炮车也把水撒去那些不肯解散的人们。At this time choking, spicy taste come again, one tear gas follow by the others, water gun pouring water to the people who refused to disband.

因为我正好是社里的首脑,两年来我一直在慢慢地、仔细地、耐心地考虑这件事,现在我决定解散明星社。For two years I have been thinking about this, slowly, carefully, patiently, and I have now decided to disband the Order, as I happen to be its Head.

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李说,他会和其他的组员讨论一下“要求DCSSA解散”的事态,他同时表示,希望那些针对她的威胁能尽快停止。Li said he would like to discuss the issue with the organizations calling to disband DCSSA and said he hoped the threats toward the student would stop.

如果卡扎菲的政权瓦解了,西方国家绝对不会像在伊拉克所做的蠢事一样,寻求解散利比亚的军队或者上层的管理层。If colonel Qaddafi's state crumbles, the west should not seek to disband his army or the upper echelons of his administration, as it foolishly did in Iraq.

反对党的支持者拒绝解散总统府外的集会,除非当局承诺就周末的台湾总统选举重新点票。Opposition supporters on Monday refused to disband protests near the president's office until authorities agree to re-count Taiwan's weekend presidential election.