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这里法国号加入了。Here comes the horn.

喇叭吹得很响。The horn blew loudly.

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雾笛效用试验。Function test of fog horn.

那船绕过合恩角。The ship doubled Cape Horn.

用喇叭喊通骷髅中队长。Get Skull Leader on the horn.

胶合垫铁小条挖出果核。Glue the horn strips to core.

喇叭在远处嘟嘟响着。A horn tooted in the distance.

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汽车司机嘟嘟地鸣着喇叭。The car driver tooted his horn.

船将绕过合恩角航行。The ship will double Cape Horn.

鹿在秋天脱落的角。A deer casts its horn in autumn.

黛娜,你吹响了你的号角吗?Dinah, won't you blow your horn?

鞋拔子-我用鞋拔子穿鞋。I use a shoe horn to wear shoes.

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赛伊乔丹关掉了报警喇叭。Cy jordan silenced the warning horn.

司机在按喇叭,发出刺耳的喇叭声。The driver was blasting on his horn.

这种喇叭的历史由来富有争议。The history of the horn is disputed.

汽车喇叭的响声使司机感到慌乱。The honk of horn fluster the driver.

一辆轿车鸣响着喇叭从旁飕地驶过。A car whizzed past, honking its horn.

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什么武器都不能在你的脸上留痕。No cutler"s horn will mark thy face".

揿响喇叭提醒其他的司机。Sound your horn to warn other drivers.

法国号音色很美。The French horn has a beautiful sound.