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该包装袋具有防潮、耐热、抗老化、高强度和破损率低等特性。What's more, the bags are moisture-proof, heat-resistant, of high strength and low dilapidation rate.

在暹粒与泰国边境之间,依然有少数几处村落存留了下来,有的已然荒废,有的被洗劫一空,现状各不相同。A few sites endure, in various states of dilapidation and looting, between Siem Reap and the Thai border.

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地震引发的崩塌、滑坡和泥石流灾害十分严重。On other hand, earthquake-triggered dilapidation , landslide, mud-rock flow and so on are also extremely serious.

因此,大量的别墅,没有在使用多年使他们进一步失修。Consequently, large numbers of villas have not been in use for many years bringing them down to further dilapidation.

张应力和水的共同作用,是导致了边坡失稳的直接原因。The combined effect of the tensile stress and seeped water is the direct cause of dilapidation of this silty clay slope.

本文根据木架山的具体条件,提出了应用切顶与矿柱崩落联合法进行木架山采空场处理。In this thesis, according to the condition of Mujia Hill, the method of roof cutting and ore pillar dilapidation is proposed.

只有这样,才能从根本上减少沥青路面的早期破损现象的发生,使公路建设质量全面提高。Only so, can the forepart dilapidation of the asphalt road surface be decrease radically to improve the road quality entirely.

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该方法新颖、独特,其应用将有助于分析刀具的破损及耐冲击性。This method is new and unique. Its application will be helpful to analyze dilapidation and vibration strength for cutting tool.

对滑坡体的瞬时崩塌的实时报警,要求测点与监控中心存在实时通信连接。The real-time alarm of dilapidation needs a real-time communication channel between the monitoring center and each survey point.

根据建筑破损严重,学生们过去一直在一个不适合学习的临时场所里学习。Due to the dilapidation of the building, the students were beseeched to study in a temporary pavilion that was not suitable for learning.

试验、研究和应用了空场、崩落联合采矿法替代中深孔阶段强制崩落法。The author use the vacant- field and stage dilapidation mining method to substitute the mid- deep- bole stage dilapidation in production.

但后来我没有发现进一步的证据,教堂大概只不过是年久失修罢了。However, I've subsequently discovered no evidence to suggest that this is the case. Perhaps its dilapidation is just due to natural neglect.

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他正好坐在桌子旁边,桌上的烛光,照着他那身破旧的衣服,吉诺曼先生见了,好不惊奇。He was seated near the table, the light from the candles brought out the dilapidation of his costume, which Father Gillenormand regarded with amazement.

当我们前往乡下的时候,汽车以危险的高速度越过在不同阶段所荒废的城镇和乡村,而不容许停下车来。When we headed into the countryside we were driven at breakneck speed past towns and villages in various stages of dilapidation and not allowed to stop.

在其体制架构瘫痪多年之后,中非面临的当务之急是着手处理治理问题,”Bell补充说。Addressing governance concerns is something the country needed very badly after so many years of dilapidation of its institutional structure,” adds Bell.

她的声音里透着某种好战的情绪,似乎那些不遵从她号令的都站到了黑暗势力的一边,要对乱扔垃圾、颓败、破败负责。There was a certain combativeness in her voice, as if those who did not help had sided with the dark forces responsible for litter, decay and dilapidation.

混凝土结构破损现象也相当普遍,维修、加固对于混凝土结构的长期使用性能意义重大。Relatively the dilapidation of concrete structure is rather universal. Maintenance and consolidation are very important for the concrete structure's serviceability.

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该机具有自动化程度高、清洗质量好、破损率低、性能稳定可靠、操作及维修方便。The equipment has the features of higher automatism degree, better cleanout quality, lower dilapidation rate, stable and reliable capability, easier operation and maintenance.

紫红色石英砂岩和碳酸盐岩构成的山体因崩塌作用而形成了造型奇特的山峰、石柱、崖壁、岩洞、峡谷、一线天等异彩纷呈的崩塌地貌景观。Landfenture of dilapidation such as vagarious peak, stelae, cliff, grotto, gorge and deep slit was formed by the falling action of massif formatted of mallve quartz sandstone and carbonate rocks.