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未补记前不得背书转让和提示付款。No endorsement or presentment for payment shall be allowed before such retroactive entry.

在其他情况下,并非必须作承兑提示始可使任何当事人履行汇票之责任。In NO other case is presentment for acceptance necessary in order to render liable any party to the bill.

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用于支取现金的支票仅限于收款人向付款人提示付款。A check for payment of cash shall be only limited to the presentment by the payee to the drawee for payment.

指B2B应用中,商户间开出发票及进行支付的电子化流程。Electronic invoice presentment and payment. The electronic process of invoicing and payment in a B2B application.

持票人超过付款期限提示付款的,代理付款人不予受理。Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the above time limit, the authorized payer shall reject it.

实际上无数治安法官和警官都没有控告或陈述。Indeed, countless justices of the peace and constables arrest and hold a person without indictment and presentment.

接着突然冒进来一个新名字,大谈疯人疯语。Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, a new name entered, rambling on and on about being the presentment of madness.

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如汇票经一般承兑者,则不必作付款提示始可使承兑人负责。When a Bill is accepted generally, presentment for payment is not necessary in order to render the acceptor liable.

在这本书上我仿佛望见那个穿着透明的衣裳、身体也显得透明的、飞向云霄的美丽诱人的少女的画像。And I saw a beautiful presentment of a maiden in transparent garments and with a transparent body flying up to the clouds.

其提示付款日期以持票人向开户银行提交票据日为准。The date of presentment for payment shall be the day when the holder submits the negotiable instrument to the holder's bank.

凡属见票后付款之汇票,均须作承兑提示,以确定汇票之到期日。Where a bill is payable after sight, presentment for acceptance is necessary in order to fix the maturity of the instrument.

持票人超过提示付款期限提示付款的,持票人开户银行不予受理。Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the time limit for presentment for payment, the holder's bank shall reject it.

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对于代理付款银行查询的该张银行汇票,应在汇票提示付款期满后方能办理退款。For the bank draft inquired about by the agent bank of the drawee, the refund may be processed only after the time limit for presentment for payment has expired.

信用卡支付,数字现金,电子钱包,智能卡,微支付和电子账单呈递与支付是处理网上交易的方法。Credit-card payment, digital cash and e-wallets, smart cards, micropayments and electronic bill presentment and payment are methods for conducting online transactions.

持票人应在提示付款期限内通过开户银行委托收款或直接向付款人提示付款。The holder shall authorize the holder's bank to collect the payment or directly make presentment to the drawee for payment within the time limit for presentment for payment.

申请人缺少解讫通知要求退款的,出票银行应于银行汇票提示付款期满一个月后办理。Where the applicant without the advice of settlement requests refund, the drawer bank shall process it at least one month after the time limit for presentment for payment expires.

使用电子票据展示和支付系统代替事务性印刷的公司应该仔细看看他们这项活动的效果和回应率。Companies which have used electronic presentment and payment to substitute transactional printing should take a close look at the response rates and the effectiveness of their campaigns.

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凡因执票人不能控制之情况,及非因其错漏、处理不当或疏忽而引致迟作付款提示,则可予免究。Delay in making presentment for payment is excused when the delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the holder, and not imputable to his default , misconduct, or negligence.

睡觉的屋子里一片寂静,恐怖的场面太强烈了,因而她的想象也就更逼真,吓出了一身冷汗,把睡衣都湿透了,她的心猛烈地跳动着,每跳动一次,床也就震动一下。The lurid presentment so powerfully affected her imagination in the silence of the sleeping house that her nightgown became damp with perspiration, and the bedstead shook with each throb of her heart.