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胶合板有什么问题呢?What’s wrong with plywood?

桦木胶合板结构。Birch plywood construction.

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床杆、沙发架料、合板旋切单板。Furniture, beds, sofas and plywood.

桦木胶合板箱体,黑色喷漆。Black painted Birch plywood enclosure.

外汇20内阁是由15毫米杨木胶合板。The FX 20 cabinet is made of 15mm poplar plywood.

我们的办公室用一个隔扇分成两部分。There is a plywood partition between the two rooms.

这个合成板做成的书柜可以被弯起来变成一把椅子。The plywood bookcase can be curved to become a seat.

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墙体模板采用釉面竹胶板。Glazed bamboo plywood are to be used to make wall formwork.

椅身以华丽板制造。弯形设计,配合缝盆操作!Made of paper laminated plywood. Fit for looping operation!

本系列充气艇的底板可以选用铝合金、木质胶合板、木条、或充气底板。The Floors of the boats could be aluminum, plywood and air deck.

先要找一块4X8英尺的夹板。Notice that you started with a 4 foot by 8 foot piece of plywood.

用于真空成型法而弯曲成泡沫形状的胶合板。Plywood bent to the shape of a styrofoam form for vacuum forming.

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哪一个的力学属性更好,胶合板的,为什么?Which one has the superior mechanical properties? The plywood. Why?

波罗的海桦木箱体,黑色半哑光粗质喷漆。Birch plywood enclosure finished in black semi-matte textured paint.

例如,看似廉价的胶合板盒子,像我准备建造的在树桩上的儿童游戏房。No cheap-looking plywood box or precious playhouse on stilts would do.

支架和夹板底座只要用PVA木胶黏起来就可以了。The supports and bottom plywood were just stuck on with PVA wood glue.

他们可能用胶合板和其它现有飞机的座椅进行试验。They could do that using plywood and a seat out of an existing airplane.

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该胶适用于制造室外级胶合板、刨花板、中纤板。The PF resins could be used for exterior grade plywood and particle board.

详细介绍了现场钢框竹胶合板模板的过程。The progress of plywood formwork with steel frame is introduced in detail.

用夹板制作个可以随处存放的可叠式凳吧。Make a collapsible stool out of plywood that can be stored just about anywhere.