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“丰田真可耻”,朗达史密斯在国会听证会上说。Shame on you, Toyota, ” Rhonda Smith, said at a congressional hearing.

朗达是生孩子与我的兄弟和我们有一个婴儿淋浴她。Rhonda was having a baby with my brother and we had a baby shower for her.

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我要感谢乔和朗达和他们全家,感谢他们的盛情款待。And I want to thank Joe and Rhonda and the entire family for being such great hosts.

朗达拜恩出生在澳大利亚,开始当电台制作人然后进军电视制作。Rhonda was born in Australia and began her career as a radio producer before moving into television production.

作者写到郎达忽略了他的意见,半个小时后从他哥哥的房间里出来,看来被彻底的掏空了。The author recounts that Rhonda ignored his advice, and came out of Jackie’s room less than half an hour later, feeling utterly used.

我是想给我们运气Carryann我们知道您今天和我们一起,但给我们的标志和图片,她曾考虑朗达脱落的墙!I was like Carryann give us luck we know your here with us but give us a sign and the picture that she had given Rhonda fell off the wall! ! !

我读了朗达恢复视力的故事后,突然意识到戴眼镜完全是不必要的。After I read about the story that Rhonda discovered the way to improve her eyesight, it suddenly hit me that having the need to wear eye glass is totally deceiving.

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当肖美智在码头看到荣达彪被捕的消息后,她便放弃了回日本的机会,冒着危险回来帮助荣达彪恢复名誉。When xiao mei think tank at the dock to see rhonda tiger after the arrest, she turned down the opportunity to back to Japan, risk return help rhonda puma rehabilitated.

“互联网不会代替面授课程,”学习技术协会主任荣达·瑞阿奇说,“但将有巨大的变化。”"The internet is not going to replace the taught course, " says Rhonda Riachi, director of the Association for Learning Technology, "but there will be enormous changes.

荣达彪和金山也解除误会,各得所需,荣达彪满载一车药品准备返回营地,突然,肖美智出现了。Rhonda puma and jinshan remove misunderstanding, also need each, rhonda puma carrying a load of drug returning to the camp, all of a sudden, xiao mei think tank appeared.

不过,我在开始提问之前想要说的主要问题是——我对乔和朗达说过——我们正在平稳而坚定地朝着正确的方向前进。But overall, the main message that I want to deliver before I start taking questions -- and I said this to Joe and Rhonda -- is slowly, but surely, we are moving in the right direction.

今井在即将战败的极度沮丧中,来到了肖美智的住所,要求肖美智自裁以谢天皇,这个时候,荣达彪突然来到,一场大战之后,荣手刃了今井。Imai in the defeat is depressed, came to xiao mei intellectual home, asked xiao mei think kill yourself to the emperor, this time, rhonda tiger suddenly come, after a war, rong hand blade imai.

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张锦豪从天悟处拿来遗物花瓶,金山看到花瓶后猛然惊醒自己与荣、华乃是兄弟关系,达彪危在旦夕,但是已经来不及通知荣达彪停止计划了。Zhang Jinhao relics from day one place vase, jinshan after seeing the vase jolt himself with glory, but the brotherhood, of tiger is in danger, but already too late to inform rhonda puma stop plan.