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申斥、惩罚或骚扰某人。Scold, punish or harass sb.

千万不要在你的信中表示威胁或抱怨。Never, ever threaten or harass in your letter.

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建海找子俊,叫他不要再和佳珍见面。Jianhai asked Zhijun not to harass Jiazhen anymore.

他很早就认识到,最好的战略就是骚扰英国人。He realized early that the best strategy was to harass the British.

听著你跳跃著的心音,抚摸你柔细的身躯。Listen to the leaping sound of your heart, Harass your skinny body.

警察不断来到这村骚扰人民。The police regularly come through this village and harass the people.

你知道你的女主人的性格,而你还鼓励我去惹她生气。You know your mistress's nature, and you encouraged me to harass her.

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奥马尔讲,不单是警察欺负他,黎巴嫩人也欺负他。Not only do the police harass Omar but, he says, the Lebanese do as well.

全天候24-7监视即可视为对目标进行骚扰和攻击的所需证据。The required precursor to harass and assult targets is 24-7 surveillance.

神秘组织辛迪加,密谋扰乱社会治安。The mystical organization syndicate, conspires to harass the social order.

我们的任务是骚乱日本远征军主力的登陆。Our mission is to harass the landing of the main japanese expeditionary force.

我喜欢跟歌迷交流但有些神经病骚扰我和我回复的人们。I dig replying to fans but crazy people harass myself & everybody I respond to.

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失望的海盗船继续骚扰,并在整个首当其冲。Disappointed pirates continued to sail together and harass throughout Carolinas.

当人们想通过法庭困扰别人时同样的基本原理就可以运用。The same rationale applies to people who want to harass people through the courts.

要是人们不听我们的忠告、非要激怒它的话,它可能会报复的。But if people don't heed to our advice and harass the tusker, then it can retaliate.

沙漠骑兵是装备标枪的突袭骑兵,擅长侧翼骚扰和驱逐远程部队。Fast skirmishers with javelins, best used to harass enemy flanks and fend off archers.

格洛斯特派遣了一只狮子,会在一连窜的战役中烦扰狂怒的野猪。Gloucester shall send a lion which will harass the raging Boar in a series of battles.

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很好的初始血量,和一个习惯用于骚扰的回复技能。Good starting hp, and a heal that can be used to harass along with good attack damage.

你也可以用风暴骑士来骚扰矿车或建筑,比如电厂。You can also use the Stormriders to harass harvesters and buildings like Power Plants.

这对于拥有高的基础智力的智力型英雄是极好的,并且可以利用回复来进行骚扰。This is excellent for INT heroes who have high base INT and can use the regeneration to harass.