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她的写作能力如何?Her writing ability?

他有模仿能力。He has mimetic ability.

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能够迅速开展工作。Ability to work QUICKLY.

丧失工作能力者。Loosing ability to work.

本地配置能力。Ability to deploy natively.

以他的能力,他可以胜任。He suits with his ability.

有改变命运的能力。The ability to change fate.

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这是类法术能力。This is a spell-like ability.

没有人对他的能力表示怀疑。Nobody can impugn his ability.

打电话并保持通话质量的能力Ability to Make and Hold a Call

如果是这样,那么这种功能有用吗?If so, was this ability useful?

不要怀疑自己的能力。Please Don't Dubt Your Ability.

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这工作他干得了。This job is within his ability.

惟此,才安全使用之。Alone this, ability safety uses.

因为只有我才有那能耐。Because only I have the ability.

他没有机会施展他的才能。He has no scope for his ability.

他不信任我的才干。He is mistrustful of my ability.

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怎样才能把血管瘤去掉?How ability hemangioma take out?

阿格雷尔有什么特别本领?What is Agrael's unique ability?

能够在网格中查看结果Ability to view results in grids.