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肺病。Lung disease.

非独肺也-。Non-alone lung also -.

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为御龙国际集团之成员。A member of Yu Lung Group.

什么叫清肺?What is clearing the lung ?

他息了肺脓肿。His breath the lung abscess.

你的右肺有病。Your right lung is diseased.

肺炎由流感引起。Lung fever develops from flu.

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他的父亲死于肺癌。Lung cancer killed his father.

王龙低声说。Said Wang Lung in a low voice.

他们把空气吹入他的肺里。They forced air into his lung.

王某某,女,肺癌。Wang XX, Female, Lung carcinoma.

有哮喘和肺病者。You have asthma or lung disease.

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免得损伤脾肺之气。Lest damage the gas of lienal lung.

她四十来岁时死于肺癌。She died of lung cancer in forties.

异样的食物,还有猪肺头。Strange food, as well as lung head.

它在龙山寺附近。It is located near lung shan temple.

清肺止咳,降火生津。Maeing against lung fire conditions.

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师傅,请让我们阻止大龙。Master please, let us stop Tai Lung?

适用于肺操干咳。Is suitable holds in the lung coughs.

同例对照右肺基本正常。The right lung as control was normal.