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让我们对水景艺术了解的更深刻。Let us learn the art of the Waterscape more profound.

北京住宅区中水景的维护。The maintenance of waterscape in the community of Beijing.

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总结了建筑水景设计的发展。Summered the development of the building waterscape design.

生态型水景住宅是当今住宅设计的一大趋势。Ecotype waterscape residential district is the trend of modern resident design.

通过这段水管我们可以推测17世纪园林的水景技术。By digging the pipe we can reveal the technology of the waterscape in 17 century.

江南地区水域景观具有很高的研究价值。Waterscape and waterside landscape in Jiang Nan region possess great research value.

而目前居住区水景的诸多弊端和居民对水景的需求之间存在矛盾。There is contradiction between the shortages of waterscape and the demands of people.

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石桥与碧波清流浑然一体,水景桥景,相得益彰。Bibo stone bridge and a clean seamless, Waterscape King Bridge, complement each other.

水景设计对小区整体环境的提升影响重大。Waterscape design is of great importance to improve the overall environment of the plot.

贯穿广场南北的中央长廊,建有喷泉水景大道。The central gallery that runs through the square from north to the south has fountain waterscape.

从节约水资源角度出发,对综合性公园水景面积进行定量研究。The area quantification of all-around park waterscape was studied from water resource saving point.

小瀑布使用令人惊讶的一点水,但声音和提供一个更大的水景氛围。Small waterfalls use surprisingly little water and yet provide the sound and ambience of a larger waterscape.

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生态型水景住宅是当今住宅设计的一大趋势。It also points out a few questions that need to be aware of when apply ecotype waterscape residential district.

水景是最具魅力的园林景观,在现代城市环境设计中被广泛应用。As one of the most attractive landscapes, waterscape has been widely applied to modern urban environment design.

随着人们对居住环境要求的不断提高,现代住区的景观设计几乎已达到“无水不园”的地步。With the progress of residential environment recognizant , more and more waterscape is involved in community design.

全面了解园林理水艺术的渊源、手法,有助于水景艺术设计的发展。Having a thorough knowledge of the origin and methods of water design helps us to develop artistic waterscape design.

加之人具有天生的亲水性,所以往往水景就是全园的视觉焦点和活动中心。Besides, as human beings are hydrophilic , waterscape is usually the visual focus and action center of the whole garden.

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繁花簇锦的各式招牌中看到了南方建筑风格的回廊和水景你就来到了西蜀豆花庄东方广场店。Inside the restaurant, you will see a corridor and waterscape. This is the Xishu Douhuazhuang located in the Oriental Plaza.

和它的结构和游泳池,面对着湖花园和谐的兴趣主要是一个水景的花园。With all of its structures facing the lake and pools, the Garden of Harmonious Interest is basically a garden of waterscape.

水景在不同的地域有地带性差异,人造水景应与所在地域的客观环境条件相适宜。As the waterscape appears unique landscape in different place, the artificial waterscape ought to be suitable with its surroundings.