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有益健康而且温暖。It is wholesome and warm.

水是有益健康的饮料。Water is a wholesome drink.

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他知道信仰能护人心身。He knew that faith is wholesome.

面包和牛奶是有益于健康的早餐。Bread and milk is wholesome breakfast.

以有益健康的早餐开始每一天。Start every day with a wholesome breakfast.

我理想的家,必须有一个有益于身心健康的环境。My ideal home must have a wholesome environment.

此法即是十善业道。These dharmas are the ten wholesome ways of actions.

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除了坚守纪律以外,对自己也不必太过苛严。Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

大仁慈王一直施行他的仁政。King Goodness the Great continued performing wholesome works.

政治或道德的处罚政策,我有此一种有益的惧怕。Of punitive police, political or moral, I have a wholesome horror.

欲了解更多有关铁和婴儿的信息,请访问有益健康的婴儿食品网站。For more information on iron and infants, visit Wholesome Baby Food.

十八世纪的成就是健康的,好的。The work of the eighteenth century is healthy and good and wholesome.

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“新鲜”和“绿色”这样的词马上给人有益健康的形象。Words like "fresh" and "green" immediately suggest a wholesome image.

本文介绍新的杜会保障体系。In this paper, it was introduce the new wholesome society ensure system.

最简单的方法给婴儿营养餐和健康的生命开始。The simplest way to give baby nutritious meals and a wholesome start to life.

当然,但是他们习惯的是一个比我们更加健康的生活方式。Sure, but what they're used to is a more wholesome lifestyle than what we have.

因此,要吃好早餐和午餐,以免在派对上吃得过多。Therefore, eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch to avoid overeating at the party.

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你不能相信只有超市公司卖给你的是好的,有益健康的食物。You can’t trust the supermarket companies to sell you only good, wholesome food.

“愤怒是正常的,”德·佐波说,“但它能通过健康的途径释放出来。”"Anger is natural, " says Del Zoppo, "but it can be released in a wholesome way.

这很简单。你所要做的就是从有益健康的营养早餐开始一天的生活。It is easy. All you have to do is start your day with wholesome breakfast muesli.