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对…说来丢脸的是。To the dishonor of.

你是我团的不名誉。You are a dishonor to our regiment.

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我宁可死也不愿苟且偷生。I had rather die than live in dishonor.

他宁死不愿忍辱偷生。He would rather die than live in dishonor.

你须在死与失节间做一选择。You have to choose between death and dishonor.

让我们把不名誉作为刑罚最重的部分吧!Let's put the dishonor as part the heaviest punishment!

她不愿看到她深爱的男友就这样不名誉地死去。She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonor.

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在空中失去平衡,对海鸥来说是丢脸的事,是极不光彩的事。To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor.

疯狂的最高境界就是荣辱不惊!Crary tallest state is a honor versus dishonor not surprised!

我自己,我宁可死也不愿被钱侮辱自己。For myself, I would rather die than dishonor myself for money.

愚妄人的恼怒、立时显露.通达人能忍辱藏羞。A fool's anger is known at once, But a prudent man conceals dishonor.

而如果你们认为我在说谎,这将玷辱了我的师傅。And if you thought I spoke a lie, it would be a dishonor to my master.

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不可露你母亲的下体,羞辱了你父亲。Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother.

我给了我女儿她的自由,而且还教她永不玷辱她的家庭。I gave my daughter her freedom and yet taught her never to dishonor her family.

我宽恕我的祖先对地球或任何其内王国不尊重的舞蹈。I forgive my ancestry for the dance of dishonor of earth or any kingdom therein.

有较强的责任感,和社会荣辱观。There is stronger sense of responsibility, with society honor versus dishonor view.

取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用。the expenses for obtaining relevant evidence of dishonor and for dispatching notices.

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今天我演讲的题目是“我们心中的荣辱观”。Today the topic that I make a speech is" our honor versus dishonor in the heart view".

付款人拒绝承兑的,必须出具拒绝承兑的证明。The drawee refusing acceptance must produce a certificate of dishonor by nonacceptance.

巴黎协定墨迹未干,他们就已经开始背弃他们的庄严义务。Before the ink was dry on the paris agreement they began to dishonor their solemn obligations.