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挂着国旗的院门。Door with flag.

单腿跳向门。Hop to the door.

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门是开着的。The door was open.

把这个门漆成红色。Paint the door red.

门刮开了。The door blew open.

“疯”是一门技术活。" Crazy "is a door.

门上响起一阵敲门声。A knock on the door.

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不要把门关得太响。Don't slam the door.

请半开着门。Leave the door ajar.

打开硒鼓盖门。Open the toner door.

把门关严实。Shut the door tight.

门砰地关上了。The door clapped to.

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这扇门很好开。The door works well.

它们在门里。They're in the door.

这个门是要用手操作的。This door is manual.

一扇门,一扇魔法门。A door. A magic door.

关闭硒鼓盖门。Close the toner door.

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不要把门弄得吱吱地响。Don't creak the door.

快点儿把门打开!Open the door for me!

苏,请关上门。Please shut the door.