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凡里是一个与世隔绝的国家。Vori is an isolationist nation.

他们可能会比清更孤立或不太孤立,更好战,或不那么好战。They could be more or less isolationist than Qing, more or less militant.

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关门主义的策略则是孤家寡人的策略。The tactics of closed-doorism are, on the contrary, the tactics of the regal isolationist.

这同越战及暗斗后孤破情感的高峰并驾齐驱。This is comparable with the peaks of isolationist sentiment after the Vietnam war and after the cold war ended.

我感到他们试图回到过去的孤立主义,以及中国至尊的概念。I have a hunch that they are trying to swing all the way back to their old isolationist ways and notions of Chinese supremacy.

罗斯福因此认为,他只能等待,因为即使是英国的援助迎接信任从一个孤立的美国民众。Roosevelt thus felt he could only wait, as even aid to Britain was greeted with distrust from an isolationist American populace.

他率领当地的蒙卡尔部队与共和国克隆人海洋部队并肩作战,对抗分离势力支持的夸伦孤立主义联盟。He led local Mon Cal forces partnered with Republic clone sea troopers in battling the Separatist-backed Quarren Isolationist League.

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在那个时期,日本逐步摆脱孤立的封建主义制度,开放边界,快速向前迈入工业化进程之中。During that time Japan cast off its isolationist feudal system, opened its borders and started its headlong rush to industrialisation.

不同于美国20世纪30年代第一运动那样的孤立主义,“中国第一”并不意味着脱离全球,而是在中国的条件下的参与。Unlike the isolationist America First movement of the 1930s, China First does not mean global disengagement. It does mean engagement on China's terms.

在第二次兽人战争的最初几年里,高等精灵只是给予洛丹伦联盟象征性的支持,对战争的进度毫不关心。Early in the Second War, the isolationist elves took little interest in the war's progress and provided only token support to the Alliance of Lordaeron.

确实,我们可以听信那些悲观论调、孤立主义者的地方保护主义和排外主义而轻易的毁掉我们的未来。True, we can ruin our future if we listen to the voices of defeatism and give in to the classic isolationist tendencies of protectionism and xenophobia.

这群信奉孤立主义的教徒还操纵着炮台,有效地使这个世界与世隔绝,防止任何人进出纳姆乔里奥斯。The isolationist cultists also operated the gun stations that effectively quarantined the world by preventing anyone from landing or departing Nam Chorios.

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当西方人轰开中国的大门,与之进行贸易和交易活动的时候,就彻底宣告了中国闭关自守时代的结束。It is a thorough break from the country's isolationist past, when the West had to batter down China's doors to trade and to conduct other exchanges with it.

中国确实是太专横,排外和孤立,闭关锁国,而欧洲有很多分派,自由主义者政府,不会那么专横。China was simply too despotic, xenophobic and isolationist for its own good, while Europe had a lot of divided, liberal-ish governments that were much less stultifying.

这是友谊、自由和不干涉主义的外交政策,然而人们却错误的把这种哲学当成孤立主义来批判。This is the policy of friendship, freedom and non-interventionism and yet people wrongly attack this philosophy as isolationist. Nothing could be further from the truth.

同时,法林人的孤立主义观念进一步加剧,以至帝国崩溃之后他们再无兴趣加入银河系政府。It also furthered the isolationist spirit of the Falleen people so much so that even after the collapse of the Empire, they were not interested in joining the galactic government.

不过,奥巴马政府最大的挑战将是抵制美国人在时下要求将重心转向本土的自然诉求,避免美国变得更倾向于保护主义和孤立主义。The biggest trick for the Obama team, though, will be to resist Americans' natural urge on the home front to turn inward at a time like this, becoming more protectionist and isolationist.

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我们面临的问题是,美国,这个因经济方面的担忧和孤立政策转而向内的国家,正在乞求别国的援助,并从国际舞台上撤退。Our problem is that America — turned inward by economic fears and isolationist tendencies — is in the process of beggaring its foreign assistance programs and retreating from global engagement.