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灌溉天边朝露。Dew irrigation horizon.

他们消失在地平线上了。They faded out in the horizon.

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旅行使人开眼。Travel broadens one's horizon.

太阳从地平线上升起。The sun poked over the horizon.

太阳升过地平线上了。The sun rose above the horizon.

太阳已沈入地平线。The sun sank below the horizon.

我看到海平线上有一帆船。I can see a sail on the horizon.

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太阳已经升出了地平线。The sun had cleared the horizon.

烟雾在地平线上弥漫。Smog hung all around the horizon.

太阳西沉到地平线以下。The sun dipped below the horizon.

挽起一面轻纱,看清天边月牙。Take a veil, see the horizon moon.

地平线上云逐渐增多。Clouds are building on the horizon.

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天边并不能看真,看远去,发觉头已经抬高,看到了天上。I couldn’t see the horizon clearly.

我们看见了地平线上的一张帆。We discerned a sail on the horizon.

地平线上山峦起伏。The hills rolled toward the horizon.

一个远在天边的人。The person who is as far as horizon.

一片白帆沿着天边移动。A white sail moves along the horizon.

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一片白帆沿着天边移动。A white sail moves along the horizon.

阴霾遮住天边。Piles of shadows covered the horizon.

海滩延伸到海平线之外。The beach extends beyond the horizon.