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这家公司同东海岸的一个犯罪集团有联系。This company is associated with an east-coast organized syndicate.

两个企业在开发项目上形成了统一经营辛迪加模式。The two businesses joined in syndicate for the development project.

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该大坝将由某国际财团负责建造。An international syndicate will be responsible for building the dam.

辛迪加向出售团成员提供的折扣。The discount given by the syndicate to members of the selling group.

图中光头男子正在扮演一个歹徒。The slick-looking young man is playing a gangster in a fraud syndicate.

那么,需要对此数据库做些什么更改,才能聚合其内容呢?So what changes to the database do you need to make to syndicate its contents?

这个集团生产的软件在六大洲的36个国家出现。Software produced by this syndicate turned up in 36 countries on six continents.

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我相信只需要加以适当的引导,辛迪加就能再次统治奥特兰克。With proper guiding I am confident that soon, the Syndicate will again rule Alterac.

联社是存在历史时间比较长的集体经济联合组织。Couplet company is the collective economy syndicate with existence history longer time.

图中戴墨镜的光头男子正在扮演一个歹徒。The slick-looking young man in the sunglasses is playing a gangster in a fraud syndicate

组成银团的目的是要分离发行的危害,并将之支解成可节制的量。A syndicate is formed to share the risk of an issue and split it into manageable amounts.

没来由以为播下卢西亚诺在朝辛迪加委员会概念。There is no reason to assume that Luciano sired the ruling Syndicate Commission idea either.

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印度暴力犯罪集团组织“D公司”的头目,达乌德•易卜拉欣排名第63位。and India's Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, head of the violent crime syndicate D-Company, is No. 63.

在停牌的前一天,中恒集团盘中放量跌停。The suspension of the previous day, the Hang Seng Syndicate Set keyboard, emissions fell out.

一家报纸公司同意将这一漫画作品做专栏,他们要求6周的用量。A newspaper syndicate agreed to publish the feature. They requested six weeks of sample strips.

阿古斯复苏是暗影议会下的一个神秘组织,他们与奥特兰克的辛迪加有所勾结。The Argus Wake are a mysterious group of the Shadow Council allied to the Syndicate in Alterac.

表现最佳承销商在承销团中出售最多股票的机构。Bulge Bracket The group of firms in an underwriting syndicate who sold the largest amount of the issue.

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在当今这个时代,如有可能,在你的投资者联盟中包括一家“梦想公司”很重要。At these times, it is essential to include a "dream firm" in your investor syndicate if you can get them.

而且,我们已经督促辛迪加向附近阿拉希高地的激流堡进军。In addition, we have urged the Syndicate to aim for the city of Stromgarde in the nearby Arathi Highlands.

这是围绕一个患有妥瑞症的伟大杀手和禅宗犯罪集团的优秀故事。An excellent story featuring a protagonist with Tourette Syndrome, a killer giant and a Zen crime syndicate.