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马来西亚的高端电视衣橱销售!Malaysia's High End TV Armoire On Sales!

其中之一,本·拉登站在一个大衣橱前。In one, bin Laden stands in front of an armoire.

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放在角落里的大衣橱是我最近从外祖母那收到的礼物。The corner armoire was a recent gift from my grandmother.

实现拼接功能的展示柜,满足客户化定制需要。Combination Armoire that you can customize to fit your room.

首饰柜是送给你新婚妻子兼永恒情人最棒的礼物。A jewelry armoire is a great gift for your new wife andeternal Valentine.

衣柜就在我们身后的一个角落里,很方便,一伸手便够得到。The armoire stands in a corner behind us, also conveniently within reach.

他将他的作品50个左右,展示包括衣橱描绘吨。He will showcase around 50 of his works, including an armoire depicting Mt.

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把卧室里的电视机,录像机,和家庭影院藏到衣柜里。Cloak the clutter of a bedroom TV, VCR, and stereo equipment in a handsome armoire.

首饰柜首饰柜是送给你新婚妻子兼永恒情人最棒的礼物。Jewelry Armoire A jewelry armoire is a great gift for your new wife and eternal Valentine.

拉姆先生设计了一个喷银色漆的大型衣橱来解决这个问题,并在床下面制作了大型抽屉。Mr. Lam solved the problem by designing a silver-painted armoire and a bed with giant drawers beneath it.

用你新做的收纳盒放袜子,首饰,还有其他五花八门的的小东西,你漂亮的大衣橱都会感谢你的!Use your newly-crafted organizers for socks, jewelry and miscellaneous items. Your armoire will thank you!

情报官员高速记者,初步分析认为这个大衣橱与基地的一个大衣橱相匹配。Preliminary analysis suggests that the armoire matches one at the compound, the senior intelligence official told reporters.

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如果你的这个地方是一个大屋子的一部分,你可以考虑买一个办公柜子,当你不工作的时候把你办公用的东西都放起来。If your space is part of a larger room, consider buying an office armoire to hide away your work stuff when you’re not using it.

例如,一个衣橱桌桌在一个大的衣柜像柜建造,和便携轻巧足以把一个人的腿上。For instance an armoire desk is a desk built within a large wardrobe-like cabinet and a portable desk is light enough to be placed on a person's lap.

如果你有无限的空间,除了一个柜子和一个梳妆台,你可以寻找一个由很多家具组成的卧室集锦家具,像大型衣橱或是搭配的书桌和梳妆台。If you have unlimited space, look for a bedroom suite that comes with a number of pieces, such as an armoire or matching desk and dressing table in addition to a chest and dresser.

在城堡套房促进最终放松的一个宽敞的客厅包括沙发和衣柜随着平板电视和管家服务为您提供方便。Suites in the Chateau promote ultimate relaxation with a spacious sitting area including sofa and armoire along with a flat-screen television and butler service for your convenience.