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沉浸一分钟。Immerse for one minute.

沈浸在其文化当中。Immerse yourself in the culture.

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我把衣服浸在水里。I immerse my clothes in the water.

如需直接放水,须在72小时成膜固化后。To immerse in water after 72 hours.

要尽量让自己沉浸在语言环境中。Immerse yourself as much as you can.

把布浸到沸腾的染料中去!Immerse the cloth in the boiling dye!

头脑,你始终沉浸在自我内。Immerse yourself for evermore, O mind.

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切勿将马达装置浸入水中。Never immerse the motor unit in water.

将自己沉入一本好书或一部电影中。Immerse yourself in a good book or movie.

你可以使自己沉浸其中并消化吸收。You can immerse yourself in it and absorb it.

把布在染液里浸20分钟。Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes.

太长期不要浸没ourself在这处罚。Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long.

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不要长时间沉浸在痛苦经历中。Don't immerse yourself in the infliction too long.

使用镊子浸泡棉球在服药。Using tweezers immerse cotton pellet in medication.

尽可能完全把自己沉浸在它里面,just to fully immerse yourself in it as much as you can

把你的脚泡在冰水里以便消肿。Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.

切勿将马达装置浸入水中,也不要在水龙头下冲洗。Never immerse motor units into water or rinse them under tap.

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香蕉去皮切片,泡于盐水中捞起沥干备用。Peel and slice bananas, immerse in salt water, remove and dry.

把你所要加工的布料或者衣服浸泡到刚才的溶液里。Get the cloth or clothes you need and immerse them in the solution.

尽可能地让自己处于听到那种语言的环境中。Immerse yourself as much as possible in listening to that language.