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如果你将盒子竖起来,它就可以少占些空间。If you upend the box it will take less space.

我们得把橱倒过来才能抬过这。We ll have to upend the cupboard to get it through the.

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我们得把沙发倒过来才能抬过这门。We'll have to upend the sofa to get it through the door.

我们得把碗橱倒过来才能抬过这门。We'll have to upend the cupboard to get it through the door.

商店里为了防止水缸积水,都是倒放着的。Water jar seeper stops to prevent in the shop, upend is worn.

40年来,卡特和他的同事都在试图推翻这种认识。For 40 years, Karten and colleagues have worked to upend this thinking.

今年73岁的瓦克斯纳看起来不像是个颠覆美国内衣业的人。Wexner, 73, is an unlikely candidate to upend the American underwear industry.

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而且,他和其他人都说,这场革命能够颠覆传统的罪责,犯罪和惩罚的概念。And that, he and others say, could upend our notions of culpability, crime and punishment.

滥用监控图像,颠覆公共安全,没有法律援助,段研、王艳报道。Misused surveillance photos upend security, and there are no laws to help, Duan Yan and Wang Yan report.

即便是世界第二大出口国可能也必须花点儿力气才能颠覆美元在全球贸易中的霸主地位。Even the world's second-largest exporter might have to twist a few arms to upend the dollar's dominance in global trade.

对雷来说,真理是具有启示性的,这个潘朵拉盒子的威胁不但能够颠覆蒂尔尼的遗产,而且能够颠覆整个纽约警察局。For Ray, the truth is revelatory , a Pandora's Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney legacy but the entire NYPD.

大别山区黄缘闭壳龟自然种群中,有一种比较常见的体形,其形态生物学特征为,腹甲中部凸起呈倒写的“V”形,背甲与腹甲完全闭合且十分紧密。The morphometric biology of a common feature is that the middle part of breastplate is protuberance to show upend "V" form.

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书商可以感觉到有热浪袭来,感到实体书销售市场的疲软和电子书市场的兴起以及它们决心改变商业模式的决心。Publishers are feeling the heat, with hardcover sales weak and the rise of e-books promising to upend their business models.

中国会在什么程度上利用这些力量来推翻西方的技术霸权,这确实是一个引人遐思的问题。To what extent it is capable of leveraging these powers to upend Western hegemony of technology is a truly fascinating question.

那么,在妇女大规模地开始工作的十年前——1940年,到底发生了什么来颠覆“多代”的传统?So what happened in 1940, decades before the large-scale influx of women into the workplace, to upend the multigenerational tradition?

经过了将近十年的时间,里德·黑斯廷斯终于准备推出了他认为会颠倒娱乐业的设备。It had taken the better part of a decade , but Reed Hastings was finally ready to unveil the device he thought would upend the entertainment industry.

徐墨笑试图颠覆这项数千年来的中国传统。按惯例斗蟋蟀只在秋季进行,而他决心将这一时段延长。Helping lead the effort to upend thousands of years of Chinese tradition is Xu Moxiao, a man determined to lengthen the customary autumn fighting season.

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即便没有中国学生的出色表现,此次最新调查中的不少结果足以颠覆某些传统的教育观念,也值得各国的决策者反思。Even without the startling Chinese scores, the latest findings upend some traditional notions about education and should give pause for thought to policy makers everywhere.

然而,他创建的这个组织——他被授予爵士头衔也是对这个组织的一种敬意——却颠覆了传统,改变了孟加拉一直以来的贫穷和困苦,而且在这方面作出的贡献可能比任何一个单一团体都要多。Yet the organisation he founded, and for which his knighthood is a gong of respect, has probably done more than any single body to upend the traditions of misery and poverty in Bangladesh.

动作过程中必须保证上身稳定竖直,禁绝左右侧倾、前俯后仰等借力动作。Must make sure the upper part of the body stabilizes upend in behavioral course, list of prohibit completely left and right sides, before admire after Fu wait for movement lending strength.