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当然,不可缺少的还有你讲故事的能力。Of course, return the capacity that has your taletelling indispensably.

水是人类赖以生存和不可缺少的一种重要资源。Water is an important resource on which mankind rely for existence indispensably.

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诗意美、力度美是书法创作活动中不可缺少的审美内容。Poetry and dynamic beauty are indispensably aesthetic parts in calligraphy creation.

有了这两个不可或缺的字典里,我相信你可以写,我在中国很快。With these two indispensably dictionary, I believe you can write me in Chinese soon.

在反垄断法的实施中,反垄断诉讼是不可或缺的一环。Antimonopoly action is indispensably in the process of the executing of antimonopoly law.

高分辨率地震方法在城市活断层探测中,已成为一种不可缺少的方法技术。High-resolution seismic method is an indispensably method of detecting active fault in city.

教师在教育教学质量保障中具有特殊而不可替代的作用。Teaching staff plays an indispensably distinctive part in guaranteeing school education quality.

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动态监测工作是油田勘探、开发生产中的不可缺少的一项技术。Well performance monitoring is an indispensably technique during oil exploration and production.

合作意识、团队精神是现代人不可缺少的一种基本素养。Cooperative consciousness and teamwork spirit are indispensably basic competence needed in modern society.

通信电缆充气机是当前电缆维护不可缺少的设备。Currently, communication cable inflator is indispensably a kind of equipment that is used to maintain cable.

准备活动是普通高校男生足球专选课中不可缺少的重要环节。Warming-up is an indispensably important link of boy football selective course in colleges and universities.

在现代,员工考核已经成为企业人力资源管理不可缺少的重要组成部分。Evaluating the staff performance is the indispensably components to the management of the manpower resources.

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锅炉是化工、炼油、发电等工业生产过程中不可或缺的重要动力设备。Boiler is an indispensably important power equipment in industrial process of chemical, oil and power generation.

光放大器技术是新一代光纤通信系统中一项必不可少的关键技术。Optical amplifier technology is an indispensably key technology in a new generation of optical fiber communication system.

阀调节是泵系统运行过程中不可缺少的环节,在一定条件下,调节会使系统发生瞬变流动。Valve adjustment is a indispensably sector for pump system running, and it will bring transient flow to the system under some conditions.

必须考虑建筑物本身的自振频率和爆破地区地震波的频率,因此爆破振动的频响效应是不可或缺的重要因素。The sympathetic vibration of the building and the blasting sympathetic vibration is an indispensably important factor in the safety criteria.

随着经济全球化和一体化的趋势不断增强,鞋类品牌国际化成为我国鞋业发展的必经之路。As economical globalization is becoming stronger and stronger, domestic shoes development indispensably need realize brand internationalization.

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法治与德治相结合的治国方略,如鸟之两翼,车之两轮,相辅相成,缺一不可。The national strategies combined with rule by moral and rule by law, just like birds swings and cars wheels, complement each other indispensably.

因而,“大历十才子”在中唐诗史上起着承上启下和转折过渡的独特作用,有着无可替代的独特地位。Thus, 10 Gifted Scholar poetry in the history of a Tang poem form the unique role of the transition point and having indispensably unique status.

在市场语境下探讨中国戏剧艺术的生存和发展,是时代提出的一个难以回避的重要话题。Being an indispensably topic given by our age, it is necessary to discuss the survival and development of Chinese Drama under the context of market.