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你是阿拉伯人?Are you Arab?

他曾尝试创立阿拉伯军团。He tried to create an Arab Legion.

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在2011年的阿拉伯,后一种是什么呢?What of the last in the Arab 2011?

伊拉克是阿拉伯联盟的创始国。Iraq is a founder of the Arab League.

阿么说,我们去南宫吧!Arab League said that we go to Nagong!

阿拉伯世界没有为自由做好准备吗?Is the Arab world unready for freedom?

在阿拉伯国家,它的名字是shajra。In Arab countries the name is ―shajra‖.

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坦纳把枪从阿拉伯人手中扯过来。Tanner yanked the gun free of the Arab.

这就是阿拉伯事变给我们的教训之一。That’s one lesson of the Arab surprise.

那个阿拉伯人骑上骆驼走了。The Arab mounted the camel and rode away.

像一些贫穷的阿拉伯部落和他的帐篷里。Like some poor Arab tribesman and his tent.

但是伊拉克首先是一个阿拉伯国家。But Iraq is first and foremost an Arab state.

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阿拉伯之春对贵公司的业务有何影响?How has the Arab Spring affected your business?

我出生在厄瓜多尔,但是我也感到自己是阿拉伯人。I was born in Ecuador but I feel very Arab too.

傍晚,倒映在海滩上的迪拜伯瓷酒店。Burj Al Arab Hotel reflected on beach at sunset.

尽管这样,阿拉伯的春天也到了仲夏。The Arab Spring continues even now in midsummer.

一位阿拉伯人骑着骆驼在沙漠中旅行。An Arab was travelling in the desert on his camel.

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这个在阿拉伯世界的趋势将趋向于干燥。The trend in the Arab world leans towards aridity.

那个阿拉伯人被认为偷了那头骆驼。The Arab was considered to have stolen the cameral.

究竟这一切对于阿拉伯艺术市场有什么意义呢?What does all of this mean for the Arab art market?