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单个生命线重新排序操作Single lifeline reorder operation

我们准备将各卧室的家具重新布置一下。We'll reorder the furniture for our bedrooms.

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现有存货售出后我们将再订购。We'll reorder when the existing stock is sold.

但是,允许在当地语系化中对其进行重新排序。However, it is allowed to reorder them in localizations.

您可以从一个位置到另一个位置重新排序单个生命线。You can reorder a single lifeline from one location to another.

你的照片当前按拍摄日期排序。可以通过拖放来重新排序。Your photos are currently ordered by date taken. Drag and drop to reorder.

这一版本更新的关键改善之处在于能够移动和重新排序消息和生命线。The key enhancements are the ability to move and reorder messages and lifelines.

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要重新安排幻灯片的顺序,只要在电影带中选择他们,然后拖拽他们到新的位置。To reorder slides, select them and drag them to the new position in the Filmstrip.

这三个系统中的任何一个都可以确保你不会再重新订购你不喜欢的葡萄酒。Any of the three systems will make sure that you never reorder a wine you dislike again!

我只需在订阅导航面板内拖动不同的订阅源,将它们重新排序即可。I simply drag the folders around within the subscriptions navigation pane to reorder them.

能够对模型内任务的输入和输出分支的位置重新排序。The ability to reorder the position of input and output branches for tasks inside your models

您可以看到什么将会被记录,序列图编辑器现在也处于重新排序模式下了。You see what is going to be reordered, and the sequence diagram editor is now in reorder mode.

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如果将文档分割成许多较小的片段,可以搜索、选择和对数据重新排序。If you shred the documents into many small pieces, you can search, select, and reorder the data.

不管是挂在任务栏上的快捷方式还是运行中的应用程序,你都可以根据你的需要重新排序。You can reorder them to suit your needs, whether they’re pinned shortcuts or running applications.

您可以看到什么将会被重新排序,现在序列图编辑器处于重排模式。You can see what is going to be reordered, and the sequence diagram editor is now in reorder mode.

如果有些地方你还不明白,那就重写标题,或重排段落。If something seems confusing, you may need to rewrite the headings or even reorder some paragraphs.

对于重新排序的操作,您可以在合并的片段之间重新排序消息集合。With the reorder operation, you can reorder message sets into, out of, and between combined fragments.

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在团队浏览这个视图时,他们可能想要找到更好重排任务的方式,以更好地支持他们的同事。As teams browse this view, they might find ways to reorder their tasks to better support their teammates.

您还可以将代码中的结构与联合属性进行重新排序,而您的代码将会维持这个顺序。Also, you are able to reorder the struct and union attributes in code and your model will maintain this order.

基于反馈的程序重构技术用于根据给定的工作负载调整可执行程序。Feedback-directed program restructuring is a technique used to reorder an executable based on a given workload.