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手术大获成功。The operation's a smashing success.

随后我把它扔到地上,摔碎它And I drop in on the ground, smashing it.

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我有一个好爸爸,他会做事情。I have a smashing Dady, he can do anything.

但除此之外,它始终都是一个了不起的游戏。But other than that, it’s a smashing game all round.

理论很美妙,粒子数据却不给力Beautiful theory collides with smashing particle data

他希望与花瓶保持距离,可最终还是将之打碎。He wants to keep his distance, but ends up smashing it.

比利-寇根是‘碎瓜’乐队的主唱。Billy Corgan is the lead singer in The Smashing Pumpkins.

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请买一件最好的礼服,一件高雅的丧服。Please buy a smashing dress, something mournful yet elegant.

数吨重的岩石轰然倒坍,被机甲碎成垃圾。Then tons of rock come crashing down, smashing it into junk.

别憎恨选手,要恨就恨那根打你脸的棒子吧!Don't hate the player, hate the club that's smashing your face.

过了一会儿我去厨房给他准备点心,只听得一声巨响……我外甥像海绵宝宝那样把我的新吉他砸得粉碎。My nephew smashing my brand new guitar to be like Spongebob. FML

什么样的骨头汤对粉碎性骨折有好处?What kind of bone soup does to smashing sexual fracture have profit?

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如果说有一件事是隔板所真正擅长的话,那就是砸碎东西。If there's one thing Bulkhead is really good at, it's smashing stuff.

这砸单感受到了他们的第三张专辑,我们得到了它的芬克。This smashing single "Feel The Funk" off their third album We Got It.

罗永浩砸西门子冰箱,你怎么看?。What's your opinion about Luo Yonghao smashing Siemens refrigerators?

正如辛亥革命表明的那样,民主只是通过砸烂其门才得以进入的。As 1911 demonstrated, democracy enters China only by smashing down the door.

他向后飞出五英尺远,昏死之前还砸碎了至少两张桌子。He flew backwards about five feet, smashing at least two tables in his wake.

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原来我只是在对生命毫无敬意的虚度,就像一个从一片松软地耕过的犁一样。I was smashing through them without respect like a plow through a soft field.

谁能抹去飞机撞进双子塔楼时留在人们心灵上阴影?Who can erase the mental images of those planes smashing into the twin towers?

据说这里将批评说成拍砖,那就请拍砖吧!I heard that here they call criticism smashing bricks, so lets all smash bricks!