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他所说的话妙趣横生。What he said scintillated wittiness.

这真是多亏干部们的临场冷静与机智。That all thanks to our leaders' calmness and wittiness.

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这真是多亏领导们的临场冷静与机智。That all thanks to our leaders' calmness and wittiness.

我非常钦佩他的勇敢、机智,他是我们学习的榜样。I very admire his bravery and wittiness , he is our model.

因此,有机智的美德使得我们能再社交生活中富足。So, having the virtue of wittiness enables us to flourish in the social aspect of our lives.

明代中后期的私人修史,形成严肃与谐趣两种流派。In the private compilation of the mid and late periods of Ming Dynasty, there appeared two schools of solemnness and wittiness.

许多外国朋友来到中国,看到我们所做的一切,改变了对社会的看法。While visiting China , many overseas friends have wittiness all we have done , and , in turn , changed the opinion of socialism.

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“当你将文化相关性、历史的见证及文化的吸引力很好的融合,那么人们就会对此作出回应。”面对衬衫的巨大成功,克斯滕告诉我们。"When you have a combination of cultural relevance and wittiness and cultural appeal, people respond, " Kersten says of the shirts' raging success.

师生交流和拓展知识以及创新精神是教学机智生成的三个要素。Communion with students and knowledge extensibility, as well as the spirit of innovation are the three factors of teachers generating teaching wittiness.

通过明智的教育,人们可以获得各种美德,其中包括勇气、节制、胸怀宽阔、待人和蔼可亲、做事诚实、诙谐机智、友好等。Through a wise education, people can acquire various virtues such as courage, temperance, generosity, amiability, truthfulness, wittiness , friendliness, etc.