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但是哪种城邦呢?But what kind of polis?

就意味着要生活在一个城邦之中。meant to live in a polis.

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任何真正被称呼为城邦的城邦Any polis which is truly so called

他呈现出一种极端版本的城邦。He presents an extreme vision of the polis.

记得吧,一个恶人就能毁了整个城邦Remember, even one bad man can ruin a polis.

天后城邦就是资本的阿克兰英国。Junon Polis is the capital of the Akram Kingdom.

他告诉我们,只有生活在城邦中where he tells us that only by living in a polis

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他提出了法律并且认为城邦应该制定法律He is giving the law and the polis that gives law.

古希腊称其共和国为,城邦The Greek city states called polis were republics.

另一方面,公正,也是城邦的一种元素Justice on the other hand,is an element of the polis.

天后城邦也拥有最大的港口对这个星球。Junon Polis also boasts the largest harbor on the planet.

对一个城邦而言是最理想的that's the ideal polis as far as these guys are concerned.

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在前城邦时期,世间还没有公民一说Well, there never was a citizen in the world before the polis.

正义唯一存在且能够存在的地方就是城邦The only place where justice exists or can exist is in a polis.

一座希腊城市可能只有1000到5000人。What they would call a polis might only be 1000 citizens or 5000.

英语的政治一词,就是源于希腊字,城邦Observe that the word "Political" derives from the Greek word Polis.

为什么一切很好,因为他的城市,他的城邦运转良好Well, why are things good? Well, his city, his polis was going well.

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顺便提下,希腊语中公民一词称为politas,衍生于polis这个词By the way, in Greek the word citizen is politas, derives from polis.

个人应当服从集体的利益,并代表集体的利益行事One ought to be interested and to take action on behalf of the polis.

这个词就是希腊语城市的意思,The,polis,itself,is,just,a,Greek,word,for,city。,但这与我们现在大都市不同。Polis But you can't think of this as in huge cities like we have now.