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他在互联网上领导讨伐异教徒活动。He led the charge of jihad on the internet.

他的全球圣战思想也正在退却。His ideology of global jihad has also retreated.

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杰哈德把与中石油签订合同一事称作伊拉克的重要一步,意义重大。Jihad called it a major and significant move for Iraq.

同时,圣战教义在不断修正下变得日益温和。Meanwhile, the doctrine of jihad would be dulled through amendment.

奥萨马·本·拉登在加沙在以色列的进攻上呼吁新的护教战争。Osama bin Laden calls for new jihad over Israeli offensive in Gaza.

该词次要的词义才指涉外部,指当必要的时候确立“正义的战争”的合理性。The lesser jihad is external, validating "just war" when necessary.

所以怎么样呢,他们炸烂了一些走私武器的圣战分子。好样的。So what, they blew up some weapon smuggling jihad boys. Good for them.

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我们经历过讨伐运动,后来获得了政权,现在再次开始讨伐。We went from the jihad to the government and now we are in the jihad again.

失野正雄是军人世家,日本圣战需要军人,所以从了军。Loss of wild male is a military family, Japan jihad need soldiers, so from the army.

当然,那还有一些赞美法塔赫,哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战的录像带。There were also the predictable audiotapes extolling Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

现在的圣战份子比以前更加复杂富有经验也更加独立化了,在哪里他们都能发动起来。Today's jihad is more sophisticated and individualised and can be waged every where.

巴勒斯坦回教圣战组织承认干下此攻击事件。The Palestinian militant group of Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility of the attack.

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夜晚,圣战战士和马里军队之间的枪战持续了几个小时。A long fire fight lasted hours overnight between the Jihad fighters and the Malian army.

它已经不再局限于那些不断到边远国家发动圣战的所谓的‘精英’中了。It is no longer limited to narrow "elitists" who travel to distant countries to wage jihad.

拥护男性电视制片人会雇佣脸蛋英俊的人来博取更多的荧频关注?Jihad on male TV producers who hire pretty faces who do anything to get on the nation’s screens?

一个典型的训练日将会以晨祈开始,随后便是关于圣战意义方面的布道。A typical day will begin with morning prayers, followed by a sermon on the significance of jihad.

澳大利亚一名男子因创作一本“自己动手讨伐异教徒”的书而被判刑12年。A man who produced a do-it-yourself jihad book has been sentenced to 12 years in prison in Australia.

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他说,教士也告诉他,他必须履行圣战否则他将被视为非信徒,他死了。He said clerics had told him he must perform jihad or he would be treated as a non-believer when he died.

他们醉醺醺的狂欢,不知廉耻的调情,他们毫无疑问的冒犯了圣战中的正义的信徒们。Their drunken revelry, their shameless flirting, must have offended the righteous believers in the jihad.

杰哈德说,伊拉克目前的石油产量大约为每天二百五十万桶,其中二百万桶用于出口。Iraq currently produces about 2.5 million barrels a day, 2 million of which are exported daily, Jihad said.