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使用玻璃制品。Go with glass.

乔什吃玻璃。Josh eats glass.

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来喝一杯,我请客。Have a glass on me.

杯子炸了。The glass has burst.

玻璃,火石,中等1。Glass Flint Medium 1.

这是一个装满水的杯子。This is a full glass.

我的杯中有冰。I have ice in my glass.

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玻璃嵌入泥中。Glass embeds in the mud.

他拿着她的杯子。He handed her her glass.

亨利把那杯酒一饮而尽。Henry emptied the glass.

它是时间计量器的形状。It is hour glass shaped.

钢化玻璃罩。Tempered glass covering.

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这玻璃杯易破碎。This glass easily flies.

这杯酒你喝了它。Drink this glass of wine.

不行,来一玻璃杯可乐吧。No. Have a glass of Coke.

给她筛一杯酒。Pour her a glass of wine.

是玻璃幕墙高耸入云的闹市区?A downtown of glass towers?

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是一个小玻璃容器被砸破。A glass capsule was broken.

你们瞧,这儿有扇玻璃门。Hullo, here's a glass door.

看看满的那半杯水。See the glass as half full.