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这是临终的景象。There's the deathbed scene.

我不想你呆在我的灵床旁边!I don't want you at my deathbed !

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老人临终时气喘吁吁地说出了他的临终遗嘱。The old man panted forth the hope on his deathbed will.

我闭着眼睛,闻到了格蕾塔临终前所包扎的纱布的气息。I closed my eyes and smelled the gauze from her deathbed.

从未听过有任何一位基督徒在临终时放弃信仰的。No Christian has ever been known to recant on his deathbed.

生命不过是从一张床流浪到另外一张床。Life is a merely a sleepwalk from the crib towards the deathbed.

他们甚至相互约见,只不过那时奥威尔已经垂危于病床之上。They even met, though only when Orwell was already on his deathbed.

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我们收到成千上万封电子邮件,并在祖父的病榻前为他读这些来信。We received thousands of emails that we read to him on his deathbed.

有人认为达尔文临死时否定了进化论。It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed.

想象我因为癌症垂危病床,慢慢变得愈发虚弱。There I am on my deathbed dying of cancer, growing weaker and weaker.

临终关怀是一项朝阳事业,是一项伟大而光荣的事业。Deathbed Solicitude is a new and rising, great and glorious undertaking.

“别难过,”Finklestein弥留之际说,“我已经过了八十年好日子。”“Don’t be sad, ” says Finklestein on his deathbed. “I’ve had 80 good years.”

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在做关乎自身生命的决定前,想象自己将临近死亡。When making decisions about your life, imagine yourself on your own deathbed.

如果我葬身异国,我临终时想到的将是古巴人民!If I died in foreign country, I will be his deathbed think of the Cuban people!

1519年去世时,莱昂纳多说他有一点遗憾的就是从没飞翔过。On his deathbed in 1519, Leonardo said one of his regrets was that he had never flown.

我可以用这个词,小胡同和阴沟既然是我的摇篮,将来还会作我的灵床。I may use the word, for the alley and the gutter were mine, as they will be my deathbed.

一男病得快死了,叫他老婆在他床底下找出一个盒子,并示意她打开。A man on his deathbed called his wife and instructed her to open a wooden box under his bed.

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但是,在林肯临终时为他治疗的医生对他的手臂和胸部肌肉感到惊讶。But the physicians who attended him on his deathbed marveled at his muscular arms and chest.

他叫人来他到他的病榻前,和他进行各种各样的讨论。He used to bring people in to sit around his deathbed talking about various matters with him.

我鄙夷那些为了让人感念,在临终之际不忘惺惺作态一番的人。I despise people who on their deathbed master themselves and adopt a pose in order to impress.