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其他人只能排在格里芬后面了。Everybody else takes a back seat to Griffin.

那个按摩师,阿尔文·格里芬怎样了?What about that chiropractor, Alvin Griffin?

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反问五岳剑派上灵鹫来为何。Ask for the five sword spirit griffin to why.

直到去年前,格里芬都要拒绝一部分投资者。Until last year, Mr. Griffin had to turn investors away.

含油的水被发现从乔格里芬供应船侧面流出。Oily water is seen off the side of the Joe Griffin supply vessel.

比赛是在布伦特福德球队的格里芬公园球场当地时间7点05开始。The match is at Brentford FC's Griffin Park with a 7.05pm kick-off.

但Griffin注意到,仅凭其表面价值而排位是具有局限性的。But taking the rankings at face value has its limits, Griffin noted.

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同时,哥很严肃地问一句,我们现在可以来谈谈布雷克·格里芬这个家伙了吗?In the meantime, seriously, can we talk about this Blake Griffin guy?

我认为,莎朗·斯通刚刚给凯西·格里芬提供了一套单口相声的完整新思路。I think Sharon Stone just gave Kathy Griffin a whole new line of jokes.

精铁之羽就是狮鹫公国二元性的最佳代表。The Iron Feather is the very symbol of the duality of the Griffin Duchy.

这个受伤的男人叫弗雷德·格里芬。The man’s name was Fred Griffin. After getting Fred untangled from the boat

方证大师告诉众人灵鹫寺从未抓到东方不败。Party card master tell all spirit griffin temple never caught east dont hurt.

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格里芬是Oklahoma大学历史上的第一个状元。Griffin is the first No. 1 overall selection out of Oklahoma in school history.

卑鄙的人渣!你玷辱了伊莎贝尔和狮鹫帝国,罪不可赦!Vile scum! For the abuse you have inflicted upon Isabel and the Griffin Empire!

不想大庄主所说的平一指和灵鹫寺都已经没有办法了。Dont want to DaZhuang Lord said even a and spirit griffin temple have no way out.

我对于他并没有像凯文乐福和布雷克格里芬那样受到关注表示怀疑。I question how he isn't in the same conversations as Blake Griffin and Kevin Love.

顽固的狮鹫大军封锁了所有通往吉赫纳的道路。Strong Griffin forces block all the major roads between us and the city of Gehenna.

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回到灵鹫寺的众人却在意外之下发现了一条密道。Back to the people of the spirit griffin temple is under accident found a secret way.

他几乎排不上名次,大家认识他也是因为在人气上输给了布雷克格里芬。He's hardly rated at all, and best known for losing a popularity contest to Blake Griffin.

随后,龙卷风穿过沃巴什何进入印第安纳州,摧毁了格里芬镇。The tornado then crosses the Wabash River into Indiana and demolishes the town of Griffin.