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因此外来人员日益感到不安也就不足为奇了。No wonder that the migrants are increasingly restive.

然而随着大限日期逼近,市场可能会更加焦躁不安.But as the deadline nears, markets may grow more restive.

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骑者应该估量一下驴的承载量,一边可以驾驭它。A rider should estimate his load on a donkey in order not to make it restive.

基于这个理由,中国及阿曼那些躁动不安的年轻人与北非的年轻人截然不同。For this reason the restive youth of China and Oman are different from those of north Africa.

连多位从这次伤痕累累的选战中侥幸仍抓权未倒的共和党人也焦躁不安,正在寻找新方向。Even many Republicans hanging on emerged from a bruising election restive and looking for a fresh direction.

它希望找到另一个国家来分担稳定难以控制的乌鲁兹根省的负担。It wants to find another country with which to share the burden of securing the restive province of Uruzgan.

只要钱流不断,日益扩大和躁动不安的中产阶级可能会容忍北京的限制性统治。An expanding and restive middle class may tolerate Beijing's restrictive governance only as long as the money flows.

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华雷斯镇西班牙传统教堂呈现出的这幅安详画面,蒙蔽了墨西哥与美国交界处生活不安宁的事实。A peaceful image of a traditional Spanish church in the town of Ciudad Juarez belies the restive reality of life along the U.

现在,他们必须在劫持汽车及帮派火拼事件频发的纳布卢斯维护法律和秩序。Now, they must impose law and order in the restive town of Nablus, better known for its carjackings and gang shooting sprees.

分析人士把动乱的亚齐省发生的暴力称作政治谋杀,这给竞选造成损害。Campaigning for the elections was marred by what analysts say were politically-motivated assassinations in restive Aceh province.

巴基斯坦警方称,西北部某动荡的省份一座警察局附近发生汽车炸弹爆炸事故,至少五人死亡。A suicide car bomb near a police station in a restive province of north-west Pakistan has killed at least five people, police say.

在愈加动荡不安的阿富汗昆都士省和吧哈兰省,87步兵团第一营将会打开一个新局面,并且展现战争的另外一面。Inthe increasingly restive provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan, the 1-87 will beopening a new front and waging a different kind of war.

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中国政府报道,西部新疆地区的暴乱已经造成至少140死、800伤的惨况。Violence in China's restive western region of Xinjiang has left at least 140 people dead and more than 800 injured, state media say.

星期三傍晚,迪蒙来到贝尔斯登二楼的礼堂,面对该公司数百位难以控制的经理们讲话。On Wednesday evening, Mr. Dimon visited Bear Stearns to talk with hundreds of restive managers in the firm's second-floor auditorium.

一个模糊不清GART卡蒙,陆军专科,是联盟的努力,以帮助阿富汗军队采取动荡不安的库纳尔省的控制权的一部分。A muddied Gart Kamon, an Army specialist, is part of the coalition effort to help Afghan troops take control of restive Kunar province.

然而奥巴马面前依然障碍重重,困难不仅来自难驾驭的国会,其中一些保守的民主党议员可能会有所反抗。But Mr Obama still faces huge obstacles, not least from a restive Congress, where fiscally conservative Democrats might put up resistance.

吉克的受伤使得他与那些人分开,而他又必须报导这些人焦躁的生活,这迫使他与自己也产生了距离。As Jake's wound sets him apart from those whose restive lives he must report, it compels him to establish some distance from himself as well.

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苏丹宣布在南科尔多瓦地区停火两周。近几月来已经有20万人逃离了这个动荡不安的地方。Sudan declared a two-week ceasefire in the restive state of South Kordofan, where 200,000 people have fled from their homes in recent months.

特别是食品价格助长了国民心中难以抑制的怨火,食用品占了中国CPI计算方式比例的近三分之一。Food prices in particular are fuelling the restive fire in the bellies of the masses. Edibles make up nearly a third of China’s CPI calculations.

亏损的国有企业狡辩称,关闭企业它将把焦躁的工人们推到大街上,丧失基本的生产活动。Unprofitable state enterprises argued that closing them would put restive workers on the streets and would deprive the state of essential production.