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会上人人都是语言乏味的空谈家。Everybody at the meeting is a droning pedant.

会议主席没完没了地在说什么?Whatever is the chairman droning on about now?

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接着,我听见大厅中一个低沉的声音在读着什么。Then I heard a voice droning away in the courtroom.

远处飞机声隆隆地彻夜响个不停。Airplanes kept on droning in the distance throughout the night.

远处飞机声隆隆地彻夜响个不停。Airplanes kept on droning in the distancemthroughout the night.

蝉嘶了一声,又从树底露根摔到地上了。He gives a sharp droning , and falls again from the root to the ground.

无需那些石头仓库,无需那些穿软羔皮鞋、满头皮屑的家伙没完没了地讲超越。Forget the stone barns with the dandrutty guys in suede shoes droning on about transcendence.

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它常喋喋不休地诉说,它本是落落于天池边的白色花朵,如雪圣洁美丽。It often droning to tell, it is the day-yo in the pool of white flowers, as snow holy beautiful.

嗡嗡声变为一种深沉的轰鸣,我突然感到在自由地往上升,我又有轻微的下落和嗡嗡响的感觉。The droning change into a deep buzzing and I am suddenly lifting free, I feel a slight falling, buzzing sensation.

声响也完全不一样了,沙漠中昆虫持续的嗡嗡声变成了鸟儿在歌唱。The sounds were so different too, the constant droning chainsaw noise of bugs in the deserts were now of singing birds.

没有了空调机的嗡嗡声,房间飘逸着一种奇异的祥和气氛,还有未经过滤的的喧哗声似乎触手可及。Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered noise seems close enough to touch.

政务员琼斯单调管味地讲个没完,最后主席只得打断了他,让其他人有发言的机会。Councilor Jones was droning on and eventually the chairman had to cut him short to give somebody else a chance to speak.

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没有了嗡嗡作响的空调声,房子里显得格外平静,夜的声音真切的触手可及。Without the droning air condition, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfilter night noises seem close enough to touch.

没有了空调机的嗡嗡声,房间飘逸著一种奇异的祥和气氛,还有未经过滤的、亲近的伸手就可触及的夜声。Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceable, and the unfiltered clamor seems close enough to touch.

没有烦人的空调的嗡嗡声,房子里出奇地安静,还有这未经过滤的夜晚的喧杂声,似乎近的伸手可以触摸得到。Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered night noises seem close enough to touch.

他们的音乐由浑厚、懒散的音调和雷鸣般的节拍组成,主题则是科幻。Their music is built around deep, droning tones and thundering rhythms that support dark songs focusing on science fictional and cyberpunk themes.

这种塑料喇叭成为南非世界杯的一个印记,它所发出的单调的嗡嗡声成为每场比赛的背景声音。The plastic horns became a hallmarkof the World Cup in South Africa, producing a monotonous droning sound which provided a backdropfor every match.

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呜呜祖拉是一种颜色鲜艳的塑料喇叭,发出的嗡嗡声单调低沉,它成为南非世界杯足球赛的标志。Vuvuzela -- the bright colored plastic horns with a monotonous droning sound became the hallmark of the World Cup soccer tournament in South Africa.

然而,对于它的嘈杂的噪音也存在一些争议,吴女士具有独特的商业眼光,她知道呜呜祖啦在什么比赛中会有销量。While a lot of debate has centered on the loud and droning noise of the vuvuzela, Wu has the tact of a business person who knows where the sales are.

呜呜组啦“在世界杯比赛中无处不在,此次遭禁是因为主办方担心其震耳欲聋的声音会使运动员分心。The droning horns, which have become almost omnipresent during the football matches in South Africa, were banned amid fears that they could distract players.